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Master Program in Department of Healthcare Administration  
類     別
Course Title
English Course Title
Year of the Program
Hours per week
備   註
University Required Credits
碩士論文 Master's Thesis 2 nd 1 st 3 0    
碩士論文 Master's Thesis 2 nd 2 nd 3 0    
Program Required Credits
研究法 Research Methods 1 st 1 st or 2 nd 3 3    
應用統計學 Methods in Applied Statistics 1 st 1 st or 2 nd 3 3    
論文專題討論(一) Thesis Seminar(I) 1 st 1 st 1 2    
論文專題討論(二) Thesis Seminar(II) 1 st 2 nd 1 2    
(Research Model)
健康照護體系 Healthcare System 1 st 1 st or 2 nd 3 3    
組織理論與管理 Theories of Organization and Management 1 st 1 st or 2 nd 3 3    
健康保險 Health Insurance 1 st 1 st or 2 nd 3 3    
醫療品質管理 Healthcare Quality Management 1 st 1 st or 2 nd 3 3    
衛生統計 Health Statistics 1 st 1 st or 2 nd 3 3    
醫療行銷學 Healthcare Marketing 2 nd 1 st or 2 nd 3 3    
政策與健康 Policy and Health 2 nd 1 st or 2 nd 3 3    
流行病學 Epidemiology 2 nd 1 st or 2 nd 3 3    
長期照顧 Long-term Care 2 nd 1 st or 2 nd 3 3    
健康促進與衛生教育 Health Promotion and Health Education 2 nd 1 st or 2 nd 3 3    
健康資訊管理 Health Informatics 2 nd 1 st or 2 nd 3 3    
全球健康議題 Global Health Issues 1 st or 2 nd 1 st or 2 nd 3 3    
質性研究 Qualitative Research 1 st or 2 nd 1 st or 2 nd 3 3    
學術論文寫作 Academic Writing 1 st or 2 nd 1 st or 2 nd 3 3    
臨床試驗 Clinical Trials 1 st or 2 nd 1 st or 2 nd 3 3    
結果評估 Outcome Evaluation 1 st or 2 nd 1 st or 2 nd 3 3    
實證醫學 Evidenced-based Medicine 1 st or 2 nd 1 st or 2 nd 3 3    
整合分析 Meta-Analysis 1 st or 2 nd 1 st or 2 nd 3 3    
長期追蹤資料分析 Longitudinal Data Analysis 1 st or 2 nd 1 st or 2 nd 3 3    
1. 總畢業學分數為30學分 (含校、系定必修核心課程14學分與系定選修課程16學分)。
Graduation requirement: 30 credits (including 14 credits of Required Courses and 16 credits of Elective Courses).
2. 學生可至校內其他學系選修課程,修習通過的學分至多可認列為畢業學分數共5學分,惟應事先提出申請。
Students can take courses from other departments. Pre-approval from the department is required for these credits to be recognized towards graduate credits (elective credits). At most 5 credits can be recognized.
3. 選修課以兩年開課一次為原則。
Elective courses open once every 2 years.

Doctoral Program in Department of Health Care Administration
類     別
Course Title
English Course Title
Year of the Program
Hours per week
備   註
University Required Credits
博士論文 Thesis(PH.D.) 2 nd ~ 7 th 1 st or 2 nd 6 0    
Required Credits
研究法特論 Special Topics in Research Methods 1 st 1 st or 2 nd 3 3    
生物統計學特論 Special Topics in Biostatistics 1 st 1 st or 2 nd 3 3    
醫療社會學特論 Special Topics in Medical Sociology 1 st 1 st or 2 nd 3 3   choose one of them
健康行為特論 Special Topics in Health Behavior 1 st 1 st or 2 nd 3 3  
健康經濟學特論 Special Topics in Health Economics 1 st 1 st or 2 nd 3 3  
健康管理學特論 Special Topics in Health Management 1 st 1 st or 2 nd 3 3  
論文專題討論(一) Special Topics in Thesis Seminar I 2 nd 1 st 1 2    
論文專題討論(二) Special Topics in Thesis Seminar II 2 nd 2 nd 1 2    
專題研究(一) Independent Study I 2 nd ~ 7 th 1 st or 2 nd 2 2    
專題研究(二) Independent Study II 2 nd ~ 7 th 1 st or 2 nd 2 2    
Program Elective
健康照護體系特論 Special Topics in Healthcare System 1 st ~ 4 th 1 st or 2 nd 3 3    
長期照顧特論 Special Topics in Long-Term Care 1 st ~ 4 th 1 st or 2 nd 3 3    
健康保險特論 Special Topics in Health Insurance 1 st ~ 4 th 1 st or 2 nd 3 3    
健康資訊管理特論 Special Topics in Health Information Management 1 st ~ 4 th 1 st or 2 nd 3 3    
醫療機構管理特論 Special Topics in Healthcare Organization Management 1 st ~ 4 th 1 st or 2 nd 3 3    
健康照護品質特論 Special Topics in Quality of Healthcare 1 st ~ 4 th 1 st or 2 nd 3 3    
社區健康照護特論 Special Topics in Community Healthcare 1 st ~ 4 th 1 st or 2 nd 3 3    
流行病學特論 Special Topics in Epidemiology 1 st ~ 4 th 1 st or 2 nd 3 3    
公共衛生特論 Special Topics in Public Health 1 st ~ 4 th 1 st or 2 nd 3 3    
醫療行銷特論 Special Topics in Medical Services Marketing 1 st ~ 4 th 1 st or 2 nd 3 3    
健康促進與衛生教育特論 Special Topics in Health Promotion and Health Education 1 st ~ 4 th 1 st or 2 nd 3 3    
(A joint course for master and doctoral students)
論文專題討論(三) Special Topics in Thesis Seminar III 3 rd 1 st 1 2    
論文專題討論(四) Special Topics in Thesis Seminar IV 3 rd 2 nd 1 2    
全球健康議題 Global Health Issues 1 st ~ 4 th 1 st or 2 nd 3 3    
質性研究 Qualitative Research 1 st ~ 4 th 1 st or 2 nd 3 3    
學術論文寫作 Academic Writing 1 st ~ 4 th 1 st or 2 nd 3 3    
臨床試驗 Clinical Trials 1 st ~ 4 th 1 st or 2 nd 3 3    
結果評估 Outcome Evaluation 1 st ~ 4 th 1 st or 2 nd 3 3    
實證醫學 Evidenced-based Medicine 1 st ~ 4 th 1 st or 2 nd 3 3    
整合分析 Meta-Analysis 1 st ~ 4 th 1 st or 2 nd 3 3    
長期追蹤資料分析 Longitudinal Data Analysis 1 st ~ 4 th 1 st or 2 nd 3 3    
1. 總畢業學分數為30學分 (含校、系定必修核心課程21學分與系定選修課程9學分)
Graduation requirement: 30 credits (including 21 credits of Required Courses and 9 credits of Elective Courses)
2. 選修課以兩年開課一次為原則。
Elective courses open once every 2 years.
3. 學生必須修習專題研究(一)及專題研究(二)課程,此兩門課程授課教師需為兩位不同教師。
Independent Study I and Independent Study II, taught by different faculty members, are required courses for all enrolled students.