龚佩珍(Dr. Pei-Tseng Kung)
姓名 龚佩珍(Dr. Pei-Tseng Kung)
职称 教授(大一高照组导师、硕士班健管组导师、硕士班长照组导师)
校内分机 1929
研究室 M607
最高学历 美国杜兰大学生物统计学博士
专长领域 卫生政策领域、研究方法、统计及资料分析
重要经历 中台医护技术学院护理学系助理教授  
授课科目 高等生物统计学、资料处理与统计
请益时间 Office Hour
教师简介 龚佩珍博士是亚洲大学健康产业管理系教授。2000年获得美国杜兰大学(Tulane University)公共卫生与热带医学学院生物统计学博士。龚教授在研究与资料分析方面拥有丰富的经验,主要研究领域包括癌症治疗与存活分析、健康政策评估、身心障碍者与健康不平等、医疗利用与经济评估、流行病学等。龚教授目前亦为美国杜兰大学生物统计与资料科学研究所(Biostatistics and Data Science)兼任教授;她曾担任亚洲大学校长遴选委员会教师代表、校务发展委员会教师代表,她是亚洲大学校务会议教师代表、校教评会委员、内控稽核委员会委员,并担任中国医药大学附属医院医学研究部顾问、玉山医务暨健康管理学会理事。龚教授在研究所和大学部教授生物统计学和应用统计学等课程,拥有丰富的教学经验,她曾获得亚洲大学颁发的杰出教学奖、最佳期刊论文奖、校级优良班级导师,并多次获得亚洲大学高影响力学术论文奖、学术成果丰硕奖、教学优良教师等荣誉。
年度 论文名称
2024 王证琪(Cheng-Chi Wang)、黄揆洲(kuichou Huang)、古鸣洲(Ming-Chou Ku)、潘建州(Chien-Chou Pan)、谢承朴(Cheng-Pu Hsieh)、张樱霖(Ing-Lin Chang)、曾崇育(Chung-Yuh Tzeng)、陈超平(Chao-Ping Chen)、李永恒(Yung-Heng Lee)、陈衍仁(Yen-Jen Chen)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung), Factors influencing the decision to receive total knee replacement among patients with severe knee osteoarthritis under universal health insurance coverage, Scientific Reports, vol.14 no.30028, 2024
2024 刘金蓉(Chin-Jung Liu)、朱咏瑞(Yeong-Ruey Chu)、朱家成(Chia-Chen Chu)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、黄秀玲(Hsiu-Ling Huang)、蔡文正(Wen-Chen Tsai)*, Influence of Hospice Palliative Care on Medical Service Usage in Prolonged Mechanical Ventilation Cases- A Nationwide Cohort Study, Respiratory Care, 2024
2024 汤梦彬(Meng-Bin Tang)、郭娓吟、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、蔡文正(Wen-Chen Tsai)*, The survival and cost-effectiveness analysis of adjunctive Chinese medicine therapy for patients with non-small cell lung cancer: a nationwide cohort study in Taiwan, Frontiers in Pharmacology no.15, 2024
2024 林英超(Lin, Ying-Chao)、郭娓吟(Kuo, Wei-Yin)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、蔡文正(Tsai, Wen-Chen)*, Proportion trends, cancer stage, and survival of patients with cancer diagnosed through emergency and nonemergency departments: A Nationwide Cohort Study, Frontiers in Oncology, vol.14, 2024
2024 Puchong Inchai、蔡文正(Tsai, Wen-Chen)、邱莉婷(Chiu, Li-Ting)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)*, Cancer Stages and Mortality Risk of Breast Cancer Between Women With and Without Disabilities: A National Population-Based Cohort Study in Taiwan, Disability and Health Journal pp.101632-, 2024
2024 廖俊惠(Chun-Hui Liao)、Chen-Shu Chang、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、周文钰(Wen-Yu Chou)、蔡文正(Wen-Chen Tsai)*, Stroke and suicide among people with severe mental illnesses, Scientific Reports, vol.14 pp.4991-, 2024
2023 曾宇辰(Yu-Chen Tseng)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、Cheng-Yuan Peng、周文钰(Wen-Yu Chou)、蔡文正(Wen-Chen Tsai)*, Effect of multidisciplinary team care on patient survival in chronic hepatitis B or C hepatocellular carcinoma, Frontiers in Oncology, vol.13 pp.1251571-, 2023
2023 蔡昌宏(Chang-Hung Tsai)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、王舜睦(Shun-Mu Wang)、蔡东翰(Tung-Han Tsai)、蔡文正(Wen-Chen Tsai)*, The association between the workload of emergency physicians and the outcomes of acute myocardial infarction: a population-based study, Scientific Reports, vol.13 no.1 pp.21212-, 2023
2023 蔡仪勳(Tsai YS)、蔡文正(Wen-Chen Tsai)、邱莉婷(Li-Ting Chiu)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)*, Effectiveness of palliative care before death in reducing emergency care utilization for patients with terminal cancer and trends in the utilization of palliative care from 2005-2018, Healthcare, vol.11 no.21 pp.2907-, 2023
2023 蔡仪勳(Tsai YS)、蔡文正(Wen-Chen Tsai)、邱莉婷(Li-Ting Chiu)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)*, Diabetes pay-for-performance program participation and dialysis risk in relation to educational attainment: a retrospective cohort study, Healthcare, vol.11 no.22 pp.2913-, 2023
2023 廖宜恕(Yi-Shu Liao)、蔡文正(Wen-Chen Tsai)、邱莉婷(Li-Ting Chiu)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)*, Effects of the time of hospice and palliative care enrollment before death on morphine, length of stay, and healthcare expense in patients with cancer in Taiwan, Healthcare, vol.11 no.21 pp.2867-, 2023
2023 龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、龚娟玉、王舜睦、邱莉婷、黄秀玲*, 身心障碍者罹患大肠直肠癌延迟治疗情形及死亡风险, 台湾公共卫生杂志/Taiwan Journal of Public Health, vol.42 no.5 pp.506-518, 2023
2023 郭娓吟(Wei-Yin Kuo)、蔡文正(Wen-Chen Tsai)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)*, Participation and outcomes among disabled and non-disabled people in the diabetes pay-for-performance program, Healthcare, vol.11 no.20 pp.2742-, 2023
2023 施宏谋(Hong?Mo Shih)、蔡文正(Wen-Chen Tsai)、Pei?Yu Wu、邱莉婷(Li-Ting Chiu)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)*, Risk of rapid progression to dialysis in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus with and without diabetes-related complications at diagnosis, Scientific Reports, vol.13 no.1 pp.16366-, 2023
2023 廖宜恕(Yi-Shu Liao)、蔡文正(Wen-Chen Tsai)、邱莉婷(Li-Ting Chiu)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)*, Educational attainment affects the diagnostic time in type 2 diabetes mellitus and the mortality risk of those enrolled in the diabetes pay-for-performance program, HEALTH POLICY, vol.138 pp.104917-, 2023
2023 蔡昌宏(Chang-Hung Tsai)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、王舜睦(Shun-Mu Wang)、蔡东翰(Tung-Han Tsai)、蔡文正(Wen-Chen Tsai)*, 24-h PCI model does affect the outcome of STEMI patients: a population-based study, Scientific Reports, vol.13 no.1 pp.13063-, 2023
2023 廖俊明(Chun-Ming Liao)、陈家钰(Chia-Yu Chen)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、郭娓吟(Wei-Yin Kuo)、Chuang-Hui Chuan、蔡文正(Wen-Chen Tsai)*, Survival and its correlates in multiple sclerosis patients under a universal health insurance program in Taiwan: an 18-year nationwide cohort study, Healthcare, vol.11 pp.1551-, 2023
2023 陈家钰(Chia-Yu Chen)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、邱莉婷(Li-Ting Chiu)、蔡文正(Wen-Chen Tsai)*, Comparison of cervical cancer screening used between individuals with disabilities and individuals without disabilities, Healthcare, vol.11 pp.1363-, 2023
2023 许太乙(Tai-Yi Hsu)、Jhu-Jing Ye、Sih-Yun Ye、Hsiao-Yuan Tseng、周文钰(Wen-Yu Chou)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、蔡文正(Wen-Chen Tsai)*, Disparities in the first-ever diagnosed liver cancers between the emergency department and outpatient department in Taiwan: a population-based study, BMC PUBLIC HEALTH, vol.23 no.283, 2023
2023 朱咏瑞(Yeong-Ruey Chu)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、Liang-Chih Liu、Chin-Yao Lin、Fu Ou-Yang、Chia-Herng Yue、Shan-Yu Su、Ying-Yu Chen、Wen-Ching Wang、Hui-Fen Kao、蔡文正(Wen-Chen Tsai)*, Comparison of quality of life between breast cancer patients treated with and without adjunctive traditional Chinese medicine in Taiwan, INTEGRATIVE CANCER THERAPIES, vol.22 pp.1-11, 2023
2023 汤梦彬(Meng-Bin Tang)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、邱莉婷(Li-Ting Chiu)、蔡文正(Wen-Chen Tsai)*, Comparison of the use of prenatal care services and the risk of preterm birth between pregnant women with disabilities and those without disabilities: a nationwide cohort study, Frontiers in Public Health, vol.11 pp.1090051-, 2023
2022 施乃甄(Nai-Chen Shih)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、郭娓吟(Wei-Yin Kuo)、蔡文正(Wen-Chen Tsai)*, Association of treatment delay and stage with mortality in breast cancer: a nationwide cohort study in Taiwan, Scientific Reports, vol.12 no.1 pp.18915-, 2022
2022 廖俊明(Chun-Ming Liao)、郭娓吟(Wei-Yin Kuo)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、Chuang-Hui Chuan、蔡文正(Wen-Chen Tsai)*, Epidemiological investigation of multiple sclerosis and related medical utilization in Taiwan, Multiple Sclerosis Journal, vol.25, 2022
2022 Puchong Inchai、蔡文正(Wen-Chen Tsai)、邱莉婷(Li-Ting Chiu)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)*, Inequality in the utilization of breast cancer screening between women with and without disabilities in Taiwan: a propensity score-matched nationwide cohort study, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, vol.19 no.9 pp.5280-, 2022
2022 朱咏瑞(Yeong-Ruey Chu)、刘金蓉(Chin-Jung Liu)、朱家成(Chia-Chen Chu)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、周文钰(Wen-Yu Chou)、蔡文正(Wen-Chen Tsai)*, Stress on caregivers providing prolonged mechanical ventilation patient care in different facilities: a cross-sectional study, PLoS One, vol.17 no.5 pp.e0268884-, 2022
2022 沈宜静(Yi-Jing Sheen)、许志成(Chih-Cheng Hsu)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、邱莉婷(Li-Ting Chiu)、蔡文正(Wen-Chen Tsai)*, Impact of chronic hepatitis on cardiovascular events among type 2 diabetes patients in Taiwan pay-for-performance program, Scientific Reports, vol.12 no.1 pp.11720-, 2022
2021 黄秀玲(Hsiu-Ling Huang)、Chuan-Yu Kung、Shun-Mu Wang、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、Yen-Hsiung Lin、邱莉婷(Li-Ting Chiu)、蔡文正(Wen-Chen Tsai)*, Effects of body mass index and pay-for-performance program on risk of death in patients with type 2 diabetes: a nationwide cohort study, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, vol.18 no.4648, 2021
2021 黄元俊(Yuan-Chun Huang)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、Shang-Yun Ho、Yeu-Sheng Tyan、邱莉婷(Li-Ting Chiu)、蔡文正(Wen-Chen Tsai)*, Effect of multidisciplinary team care on survival of oesophageal cancer patients: a retrospective nationwide cohort study, Scientific Reports, vol.11 pp.13243-, 2021
2021 廖俊明(Chun-Ming Liao)、Wen-Hao Huang、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、邱莉婷(Li-Ting Chiu)、蔡文正(Wen-Chen Tsai)*, Comparison of colorectal cancer screening between people with and without disability: a nationwide matched cohort study, BMC PUBLIC HEALTH, vol.21 no.1 pp.1034-1046, 2021
2021 陈超平(Chao?Ping Chen)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、周文钰(Wen?Yu Cho)、蔡文正(Wen?Chen Tsai)*, Effect of introducing biologics to patients with rheumatoid arthritis on the risk of venous thromboembolism: a nationwide cohort study, Scientific Reports, vol.11 pp.17009-, 2021
2021 陈静纯(Ching-Chun Chen)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)*, 探讨视网膜病变对糖尿病病患生活品质之影响及相关因素, 澄清医护管理杂志, vol.17 no.4 pp.8-20, 2021
2021 Puchong Inchai、蔡文正(Wen-Chen Tsai)、邱莉婷(Li-Ting Chiu)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)*, Incidence, risk, and associated risk factors of stroke among people with different disability types and severities: a national population-based cohort study in Taiwan, Disability and Health Journal, vol.14 no.4 pp.101165-, 2021
2021 刘淳仪(Chun-Yi Liu)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、张鏸云(Hui-Yun Chang)、Yueh-Han Hsu、蔡文正(Wen-Chen Tsai)*, Influence of admission time on health care quality and utilization in patients with stroke: analysis for a possible July effect and weekend effect, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, vol.18 pp.12362-, 2021
2021 郭娓吟(Wei-Yin Kuo)、许汉生(Han-Sheng Hsu)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、蔡文正(Wen-Chen Tsai)*, Impact of socioeconomic status on cancer incidence risk, cancer staging, and survival of patients with colorectal cancer under universal health insurance coverage in Taiwan, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, vol.18 pp.12164-, 2021
2020 洪丽真(Li-Chen Hung)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、Chi-Hsuan Lung、Ming-Hsui Tsai、Shih-An Liu、邱莉婷(Li-Ting Chiu)、黄光华(Kuang-Hua Huang)、蔡文正(Wen-Chen Tsai)*, Assessment of the risk of oral cancer incidence in a high-risk population and establishment of a predictive model for oral cancer incidence using a population-based cohort in Taiwan, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, vol.17 no.2 pp.e665-, 2020
2020 杨雅淑(Shu-Ya Yang)、Shou-Jen Lan、Yea-Yin Yen、Yen-Ping Hsieh、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、Shao-Huan Lan(Shao-Huan Lan)*, Effects of exercise on sleep quality in pregnant women: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials, Asian Nursing Research, vol.14 no.1 pp.1-10, 2020
2020 郑欣弦(Hsin-Hsuan Cheng)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、Bo-Ren Wang、邱莉婷(Li-Ting Chiu)、蔡文正(Wen-Chen Tsai)*, Cost-benefit analysis, cost-effectiveness analysis, and impact of antiepileptic drugs on the risk of fracture in patients with epilepsy: a nationwide cohort study, EPILEPSY & BEHAVIOR, 2020
2020 蔡昌宏(Chang-Hung Tsai)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、郭娓吟(Wei-Yin Kuo)、蔡文正(Wen-Chen Tsai)*, Effect of time interval from diagnosis to treatment for non-small cell lung cancer on survival: a national cohort study in Taiwan, BMJ Open, vol.10 pp.e034351-, 2020
2020 李永恒(Yung-Heng Lee)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、郭娓吟(Wei-Yin Kuo)、高素琳(Su-Ling Kao)、蔡文正(Wen-Chen Tsai)*, The effect of pay for performance on risk incidence of hip fracture in type 2 diabetic patients: a nationwide population-based cohort study, MEDICINE, vol.99 no.12 pp.e19592-, 2020
2020 廖郁珮(Yu-Pei Liao)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、王悦馨(Yueh-Hsin Wang)、朱咏瑞(Yeong-Ruey Chu)、高尚德(Shung-Te Kao)、蔡文正(Wen-Chen Tsai)*, Effects and relative factors of adjunctive Chinese medicine therapy on survival of hepatocellular carcinoma patients: a retrospective cohort study in Taiwan, INTEGRATIVE CANCER THERAPIES, vol.19 pp.1-14, 2020
2020 黄柏综(Po-Tsung Huang)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、郭娓吟(Wen-Yin Kuo)、蔡文正(Wen-Chen Tsai)*, Impact of family physician integrated care program on decreasing utilization of emergency department visit and hospital admission: a population-based retrospective cohort study, BMC HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH, vol.26 no.1 pp.470-478, 2020
2020 锺威昇(Wei-Sheng Chung)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、Hui-Yun Chang、蔡文正(Wen-Chen Tsai)*, Demographics and medical disorders associated with smoking: a population-based study, BMC PUBLIC HEALTH, vol.20 no.1 pp.702-708, 2020
2020 蔡昌宏(Tsai CH)、Hsieh HF、赖亭苇(Lai TW)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、郭娓吟(Kuo WY)、蔡文正(Tsai WC)*, Effect of multidisciplinary team care on the risk of recurrence in breast cancer patients: a national matched cohort study, BREAST, vol.53 pp.68-76, 2020
2020 陈衍仁(Yen-Jen Chen)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、周文钰(Wen-Yu Chou)、蔡文正(Wen-Chen Tsai)*, Alendronate medication possession ratio and the risk of second hip fracture: an 11-year population-based cohort study in Taiwan, OSTEOPOROSIS INTERNATIONAL, vol.31 no.8 pp.1555-1563, 2020
2020 谢明皓(Hsieh MH)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、郭娓吟(Kuo WY)、Ke TW、蔡文正(Tsai WC)*, Recurrence, death Risk, and related factors in patients with stage 0 colorectal cancer- a nationwide population-based study, MEDICINE, vol.99 no.36 pp.e21688-, 2020
2020 沈宜静(Sheen YJ)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、Sheu WH、郭娓吟(Kuo WY)、蔡文正(Tsai WC)*, Impact of liver cirrhosis on incidence of dialysis among patients with type 2 diabetes, Diabetes Therapy, vol.11 no.11 pp.2611-2628, 2020
2020 黄培芳(Huang PF)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、周文钰(Chou WY)、蔡文正(Tsai WC)*, Characteristics and related factors of emergency department visits, readmission, and hospital transfers of inpatients under a DRG-based payment system: a nationwide cohort study, PLoS One, vol.15 no.12 pp.e0243373-, 2020
2019 李永恒(Lee YH)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、王悦馨(Wang YH)、郭娓吟(Kuo WY)、高素琳(Kao SL)、蔡文正(Tsai WC)*, Effect of length of time from diagnosis to treatment on colorectal cancer survival: A population-based study, PLoS One, vol.14 no.1 pp.e0210465-, 2019
2019 徐焕(Huan Hsu)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、古鸣洲(Ming-Chou Ku)、蓝忠亮(Joung-Liang Lan)、周文钰(Wen-Yu Chou)、蔡文正(Wen-Chen Tsai)*, Do Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients Have More Major Complications and Length of Stay after Lower Extremities Fracture Surgery? A Nationwide Data with Propensity Score Matching, MEDICINE, vol.98 no.27 pp.e16286-, 2019
2019 陈超平(Chao-Ping Chen)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、王悦馨(Yueh-Hsin Wang)、蔡文正(Wen-Chen Tsai)*, Effect of time interval from diagnosis to treatment for cervical cancer on survival: a nationwide cohort study, PLoS One, vol.14 no.9 pp.e0221946-, 2019
2019 刘金蓉(Chin-Jung Liu)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、朱家成(Chia-Chen Chu)、周文钰(Wen-Yu Chou)、施纯明(Chuen-Ming Shih)、蔡文正(Wen-Chen Tsai)*, The effect of an integrated prospective payment program on cognition and willingness for hospice palliative care in family members of prolonged mechanical ventilation patients, Respiratory Care, 2019
2019 周建文(Chien-Wen Chou)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、周文钰(Wen-Yu Chou)、蔡文正(Wen-Chen Tsai)*, Pay-for-performance programmes reduce stroke risks in patients with type 2 diabetes: a national cohort study, BMJ Open, vol.9 no.10 pp.e026626-, 2019
2018 Li-Chen Hung、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、Tsan-Hung Chiu、Hsun-Pi Su、Ming Ho、高惠芬(Kao Hui Fen)、Li-Ting Chiu、Kuang-Hua Huang、Wen-Chen Tsai(Wen-Chen Tsai)*, Risk factors for neonatal early-onset group B streptococcus-related diseases after the implementation of a universal screening program in Taiwan, BMC PUBLIC HEALTH, vol.18 no.1 pp.438-446, 2018
2018 蔡文正(Tsai WC)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、王悦馨(Wang YH)、郭娓吟(Kuo WY)、李亚欣(Li YH)*, Influence of the time interval from diagnosis to treatment on survival for early-stage liver cancer, PLoS One, vol.13 no.6 pp.e0199532-, 2018
2018 刘金蓉(Liu CJ)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、朱家成(Chu CC)、周文钰(Chou WY)、王悦馨(Wang YH)、蔡文正(Tsai WC)*, Propensity score-matching analyses on the effectiveness of integrated prospective payment program for patients with prolonged mechanical ventilation, HEALTH POLICY, vol.122 no.9 pp.970-976, 2018
2018 沈宜静(Sheen YJ)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、郭娓吟(Kuo WY)、邱莉婷(Chiu LT)、蔡文正(Tsai WC)*, Impact of the pay-for-performance program on lower extremity amputations in patients with diabetes in Taiwan, MEDICINE, vol.97 no.41 pp.e12759-e12759, 2018
2018 黄秀玲(Hsiu-Ling Huang)、Cheng-Chin Pan、Yu-Fen Hsiao、Ming-Chih Chen、Chuan-Yu Kung、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、蔡文正(Wen-Chen Tsai)*, Associations of body mass index and diabetes with hip fracture risk: A nationwide cohort study, BMC PUBLIC HEALTH, vol.18 no.1 pp.1325-1336, 2018
2018 蔡仪勳(Tsai YS)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、古鸣洲(Ku MC)、王悦馨(Wang YH)、蔡文正(Tsai WC)*, Effects of pay for performance on risk incidence of infection and of revision after total knee arthroplasty in type 2 diabetic patients: a nationwide matched cohort study, PLoS One, vol.13 no.11 pp.e0206797-e020679, 2018
2017 潘建州(Pan CC)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、邱莉婷(Chiu LT)、廖郁珮(Liao YP)、蔡文正(Tsai WC)*, Patients with diabetes in pay-for-performance programs have better physician continuity of care and survival, AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MANAGED CARE, vol.23 no.2 pp.e57-e66, 2017
2017 申斯静(Shen SC)、黄光华(Huang KH)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、邱莉婷(Chiu LT)、蔡文正(Tsai WC)*, Incidence, risk, and associated factors of depression in adults with physical and sensory disabilities: a nationwide population-based study, PLoS One, vol.12 no.3 pp.e0175141-, 2017
2017 蔡文正(Tsai WC)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、王悦馨(Wang YH)、黄光华(Huang KH)、刘时安(Liu SA)*, Influence of time interval from diagnosis to treatment on survival for oral cavity cancer: a nationwide cohort study, PLoS One, vol.12 no.4 pp.e0175148-, 2017
2017 陈丽尼(Chen LN)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、张鏸云(Chang HY)、蔡文正(Tsai WC)*, 论质计酬对于思觉失调症患者急诊及急性再住院的影响, 台湾公共卫生杂志/Taiwan Journal of Public Health, vol.36 no.2 pp.148-160, 2017
2017 黄惠莹(Huang HY)、蔡文正(Tsai WC)、周文钰(Chou WY)、Hung YC、Liu LC、Huang KF、Wang WC、Leung KW、Hsieh RK、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)*, Quality of life of breast and cervical cancer survivors, BMC Womens Health, vol.17 no.1 pp.30-42, 2017
2017 柏斯琪(Pai SC)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、周文钰(Chou WY)、Kuo T、蔡文正(Tsai WC)*, Survival and medical utilization of children and adolescents with prolonged ventilator-dependent and associated factors, PLoS One, vol.12 no.6 pp.e0179274-e017927, 2017
2017 廖俊明(Chun-Ming Liao)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、王悦馨(Wang YH)、蔡文正(Wen-Chen Tsai)*, Effects of multidisciplinary team on emergency care for colorectal cancer patients: a nationwide-matched cohort study., MEDICINE, vol.96 no.23 pp.e7092-e7092, 2017
2017 朱家成(Chia-Chen Chu)、刘金蓉(Chin-Jung Liu)、颜素美(Suh-May Yen)、周文钰(Wen-Yu Chou)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、Yuh-Show Tsai、蔡文正(Wen-Chen Tsai)*, Factors associated with reintubation within 14 days after ventilator liberation, Respiratory Care, vol.62 no.12 pp.1557-1564, 2017
2017 潘正钦(Cheng-Chin Pan)、黄秀玲(Hsiu-Ling Huang)、Ming-Chih Chen、Chuan-Yu Kung、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、周文钰(Wen-Yu Chou)、蔡文正(Wen-Chen Tsai)*, Lower risk of end stage renal disease in diabetic nurse, BioMedicine, vol.7 no.4 pp.29-37, 2017
2016 颜素美(Suh-May Yen)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、沈怡静(Yi-Jing Sheen)、邱莉婷(Li-ting Chiu)、Xing-Ci Xu、蔡文正(Wen-Chen Tsai)*, Factors related to continuing care and interruption of P4P program participation in patients with diabetes., AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MANAGED CARE, vol.22 no.1 pp.294-306, 2016
2016 Atul Kumar、蔡文正、Tai-Sheng Tan、邱莉婷(Li-Ting Chiu)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、Ching-Kan Lo、Ming-Chou Ku, Risk of post-TKA Acute Myocardial Infarction in Patients with a History of Myocardial Infarction or Coronary Stent., CLINICAL ORTHOPAEDICS AND RELATED RESEARCH, vol.474 no.2 pp.479-486, 2016
2016 颜素美(Yen SM)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、叶丽月(Yeh LY)、黄宣颖(Huang HY)、蔡文正(Tsai WC)*, 探讨中医师对针灸治疗病人安全之认知、态度及预防措施, 医学与健康期刊, vol.5 no.1 pp.35-51, 2016
2016 陈铭泉(Chen MC)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、苏勳璧(Su HP)、颜素美(Yen SM)、邱莉婷(Chiu LT)、蔡文正(Tsai WC)*, Utilization of tooth filling services by people with disabilities in Taiwan., International Journal for Equity in Health, vol.15 no.1 pp.58-67, 2016
2016 黄秀玲(Huang HL)、潘建州(Pan CC)、王舜睦(Wang SM)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、周文钰(Chou WY)、蔡文正(Tsai WC)*, The incidence risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus in female nurses: a nationwide matched cohort study., BMC PUBLIC HEALTH, vol.16 no.1 pp.443-451, 2016
2016 张育嘉(Yu-Chia Chang)、Tung HJ、徐尚为(Shang-Wei Hsu)、Chen LS、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、黄光华(Huang KH)、Chiou SJ、蔡文正(Tsai WC)*, Use of seasonal influenza vaccination and its associated factors among elderly people with disabilities in Taiwan: a population-based study., PLoS One, vol.11 no.6 pp.e0158075-e015807, 2016
2016 徐约翰(Hsu YH)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、王诗婷(Wang ST)、Fang CY、蔡文正(Tsai WC)*, Improved patient survivals with colorectal cancer under multidisciplinary team care: a nationwide cohort study of 25,766 patients in Taiwan., HEALTH POLICY, vol.120 no.6 pp.674-681, 2016
2016 蔡文正(Wen-Chen Tsai)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、翁瑞宏(Rhay-Hung Weng)*、苏勳璧(Hsun-Pi Su), The utilization of fluoride varnish and its determining factors among Taiwanese preschool children, Journal of the Chinese Medical Association, vol.79 no.8 pp.456-463, 2016
2016 申斯静(Shen SC)、洪耀钦(Hung YC)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、杨文惠(Yang WH)、王悦馨(Wang YH)、蔡文正(Tsai WC)*, Factors involved in the delay of treatment initiation for cervical cancer patients: a nationwide population-based study., MEDICINE, vol.95 no.33 pp.e4568-e4568, 2016
2016 黄秀玲(Huang HL)、Kung CY、Pan CC、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、王舜睦(Wang SM)、周文钰(Chou WY)、蔡文正(Tsai WC)*, Comparing the mortality risks of nursing professionals with diabetes and general patients with diabetes: a nationwide matched cohort study., BMC PUBLIC HEALTH, vol.16 no.1 pp.1054-1063, 2016
2015 颜素美(Suh-May Yen)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、蔡文正(Wen-Chen Tsai)*, Sociodemographic characteristics and health-related factors affecting the use of Pap smear screening among women with mental disabilities in Taiwan, RESEARCH IN DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES, vol.36 pp.491-497, 2015
2015 黄英瑛(Ying-Ying Huang)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、邱莉婷(Li-Ting Chiu)、蔡文正(Wen-Chen Tsai)*, Related factors and incidence risk of acute myocardial infarction among the people with disability: A national population-based study, RESEARCH IN DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES, vol.36 pp.366-375, 2015
2015 吴静绵(Ching-Mien Wu)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、李佳霙(Chia-Ing Li)、蔡文正(Wen-Chen Tsai)*, The difference in medical utilization and associated factors between children and adolescents with and without autism spectrum disorders., RESEARCH IN DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES, vol.36 pp.78-86, 2015
2015 颜素美(Suh-May Yen)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、蔡文正(Wen-Chen Tsai)*, Mammography usage with relevant factors among women with mental disabilities in Taiwan: a nationwide population-based study, RESEARCH IN DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES, vol.37 pp.182-188, 2015
2015 蔡文正(Wen-Chen Tsai)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、王诗婷(Shih-Ting Wang)、黄光华(Kuang-Hua Huang)、刘石安(Shih-An Liu)*, Beneficial Impact of Multidisciplinary Team Management on the Survival in Different Stages of Oral Cavity Cancer Patients: Results of a Nationwide Cohort Study in Taiwan., ORAL ONCOLOGY, vol.51 no.2 pp.105-111, 2015
2015 潘建州(Chien-Chou Pan)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、王悦馨(Yueh-Hsin Wang)、张育嘉(Yu-Chia Chang)、王诗婷(Shih-Ting Wang)、蔡文正(Wen-Chen Tsai)*, Effects of Multidisciplinary Team Care on the Survival of Patients with Different Stages of Non-small Cell Lung Cancer: A National Cohort Study., PLoS One, vol.10 no.5, 2015
2015 徐约翰(Yueh-Han Hsu)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、王悦馨(Yueh-Hsin Wang)、张耀茂(Yao-Mao Chang)、蔡文正(Wen-Chen Tsai)*, A comparison of the stages at which cancer is diagnosed in physicians and in the general population in Taiwan., CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION JOURNAL, vol.187 no.13 pp.E412-E418, 2015
2015 陈素静(Su-Jing Chen)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、黄光华(Kuang-Hua Huang)、王悦馨(Yueh-Hsin Wang)、蔡文正(Wen-Chen Tsai)*, Chaeacteristics of the Delayed or refusal Therapy in Breast Cancer Patients: A Longitudinal Population-Based Study in Taiwan., PLoS One, vol.10 no.6, 2015
2015 陈素静(Chen SJ)、廖伟志(Liao WC)、黄光华(Huang KH)、林橙莉(Lin CL)、蔡文正(Tsai WC)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、张光喜(Chang KH)、高嘉鸿(Kao CH)*, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and allied conditions is a strong independent risk factor for osteoporosis and pathologic fractures: a population-based cohort study., QJM-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICINE, vol.108 no.8 pp.633-640, 2015
2015 Atul Kumar、蔡文正(Wen-Chen Tsai)、Tai-Sheng Tan(Tai-Sheng Tan)*、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、邱莉婷(Li-Ting Chiu)、Ming-Chou Ku, Temporal trends in primary and revision total knee and hip replacement in Taiwan., Journal of the Chinese Medical Association, vol.78 no.9 pp.538-544, 2015
2015 朱家成(Chia-Chen Chu)、刘金蓉(Chin-Jung Liu)、施纯明(Chuen-Ming Shih)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、蔡育秀(Yuh-Show Tsai)、蔡文正(Wen-Chen Tsai)*, The Risk and Related Factors of Readmission to Intensive Care Unit within the Seven Days in Mechanical Ventilated Patients –A Nationwide Population-Based Cohort Study, Respiratory Care, vol.60 no.12 pp.1786-1795, 2015
2014 陈衍仁(Yen-Jen Chen)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、王悦馨(Yueh-Hsin Wang)、Chiu-Chin Huang、Shih-Chang Hsu、蔡文正(Wen-Chen Tsai)*、Horng-Chaung Hsu, Greater Risk of Hip Fracture in Hemodialysis than in Peritoneal Dialysis, OSTEOPOROSIS INTERNATIONAL, vol.25 no.5 pp.1513-1518, 2014
2014 颜素美(Su-Mei Yen)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、蔡文正(Wen-Chen Tsai)*, The Characteristics and Relevant Factors of Pap Smear Test Use for Women with Intellectual Disabilities in Taiwan, BMC HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH, vol.14 no.1 pp.240-249, 2014
2014 刘淳仪(Chun-Yi Liu)、陈自谅(William Tzu-Liang Chen)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、邱昌芳(Chang-Fang Chiu)、王悦馨(Yueh-Hsin Wang)、徐尚为(Shang-Wei Hsu)、蔡文正(Wen-Chen Tsai)*, Characteristics, survival, and related factors of newly diagnosed colorectal cancer patients refusing cancer treatments under a universal health insurance program, BMC CANCER, vol.14 no.1 pp.446-454, 2014
2014 颜素美(Suh-May Yen)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、邱莉婷(Li-Ting Chiu)、蔡文正(Wen-Chen Tsai)*, Related Factors and Use of Free Preventive Health Services among Adults with Intellectual Disabilities in Taiwan., BMC HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH, vol.14 no.1 pp.248-257, 2014
2014 黄秀玲(Hsiu-Ling Huang)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、邱昌芳(Chang-Fang Chiu)、王悦馨(Yueh-Hsin Wang)、蔡文正(Wen-Chen Tsai)*, Factors Associated with Lung Cancer Patients Refusing Treatment and Their Survival: A National Cohort Study under a Universal Health Insurance in Taiwan, PLoS One, vol.9 no.7 pp.1-10, 2014
2014 王舜睦(Shun-Mu Wang)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、王悦馨(Yueh-Hsin Wang)、黄光华(Kuang-Hua Huang)、蔡文正(Wen-Chen Tsai)*, Effects of Multidisciplinary Care on Utilization of Emergency Care for Patients with Lung Cancer, AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MANAGED CARE, vol.20 no.8 pp.353-364, 2014
2014 赖宪堂(Hsien-Tang Lai)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、Hsun-Pi Su、蔡文正(Wen-Chen Tsai)*, Examining Related Influential Factors for Dental Calculus Scaling Utilization among People with Disabilities in Taiwan, a Nationwide Population-based Study, RESEARCH IN DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES, vol.35 no.9 pp.2231-2240, 2014
2014 馀鸿章(Hung-Cheng Yu)、蔡文正(Wen-Chen Tsai)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)*, Does the Pay-for-performance Program Reduce the Emergency Department Visits for Hypoglycemia in Type 2 Diabetic Patients?, HEALTH POLICY AND PLANNING, vol.29 no.6 pp.732-741, 2014
2014 赖宪堂(Hsien-Tang Lai)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、蔡文正(Wen-Chen Tsai)*, Factors influencing the mammography utilization among Taiwanese women with intellectual disabilities, a nationwide population-based study, RESEARCH IN DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES, vol.35 no.12 pp.3372-3378, 2014
2014 邱尚志(Shang-Jyh Chiou)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、James M. Naessens、黄光华(Kuang-Hua Huang)、张育嘉(Yu-Chia Chang)、王悦馨(Yueh-Hsin Wang)、蔡文正(Wen-Chen Tsai)*, Do physicians with diabetes have differences in dialysis use and survival than other patients with diabetes, DIABETES RESEARCH AND CLINICAL PRACTICE, vol.105 no.3 pp.382-390, 2014
2014 颜素美(Suh-May Yen)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、蔡文正(Wen-Chen Tsai)*, Factors Associated with Free Adult Preventive Health Care Utilization among Physically Disabled People in Taiwan: Nationwide Population-based Study, BMC HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH, vol.14 pp.610-621, 2014
2013 王怡宽(I-Kuan Wang)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、郭娓吟(Wei-Yin Kuo)、蔡文正(Wen-Chen Tsai)*、Yi-Chih Chang、Chih-Chia Liang、Chiz-Tzung Chang、Hung-Chieh Yeh、Shu-Ming Wang,、Feng-Rong Chuang,、Kwua-Yun Wang、Ching-Yuang Lin、Chiu-Ching Huang、, Impact of dialysis modality on the survival of end-stage renal disease patients with or without cardiovascular disease, JOURNAL OF NEPHROLOGY, vol.26 no.2 pp.331-341, 2013
2013 黄秀玲(Hsiu-Ling Huang)、李友专(Yu-Chuan (Jack) Li)、周月卿(Yueh-Ching Chou)、谢右文(Yow-Wen Hsieh)、郭景桓(Frank Kuo)、蔡文正(Wen-Chen Tsai)*、蔡兴国(Sinkuo Daniel Chai)、林妍如(Blossom Yen-Ju Lin)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、Chia-Jung Chuang, Effects of and satisfaction with Short Message Service reminders for patient medication adherence: A randomized controlled study, BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, vol.13 no.1 pp.127-138, 2013
2013 徐约翰(Yueh-Han Hsu)、蔡文正(Wen-Chen Tsai)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)*, Health Examination Utilization in the Visually Disabled Population in Taiwan: A Nationwide Cohort Study, BMC HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH, vol.13 pp.509-518, 2013
2012 蔡文正(Wen-Chen Tsai)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、王中仪(Jong-Yi Wang)*, Disparities in the Use of Preventive Health Care among Children with Disabilities in Taiwan, RESEARCH IN DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES, vol.33 no.2 pp.324-333, 2012
2012 黄光华(Kuang-Hua Huang)、蔡文正(Wen-Chen Tsai)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)*, The use of Pap smear and its influencing factors among women with disabilities, RESEARCH IN DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES, vol.33 no.2 pp.307-314, 2012
2012 龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、蔡文正(Wen-Chen Tsai)、李亚欣(Li YH)*, Determining Factors for Utilization of Preventive Health Services among Adults with Disabilities in Taiwan, RESEARCH IN DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES, vol.33 no.1 pp.205-213, 2012
2012 龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、蔡文正(Wen-Chen Tsai)、邱尚志(Shang-Jyh Chiou)*, The assessment of the likelihood of mammography usage with relevant factors among women with disabilities, RESEARCH IN DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES, vol.33 no.1 pp.136-143, 2012
2012 王悦馨(Yueh-Hsin Wang)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、蔡文正(Wen-Chen Tsai)*、戴志展(Chih-Jaan Tai)、刘时安(Shih-An Liu)、蔡铭修(Ming-Hsui Tsai), Effects of Multidisciplinary Care on the Survival of Patients with Oral Cavity Cancer in Taiwan, ORAL ONCOLOGY, vol.48 no.9 pp.803-810, 2012
2011 翁瑞宏(Rhay-Hung Weng)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、蔡文正(Wen-Chen Tsai)*、江显雄(Hsien-Hsiung Chiang)、邱莉婷(Li-Ting Chiu), The use of fluoride varnish and its determining factors among children with disability in Taiwan., RESEARCH IN DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES, vol.32 no.2 pp.583-592, 2011
2011 赖重佑、蔡文正、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)*、郑清源、方信元, 影响上肢多汗症患者接受交感神经手术之相关因素及术后五年之生活品质差异, 澄清医护管理杂志, vol.7 no.2 pp.9-19, 2011
2011 陈文侯(Wen-Hou Chen)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、蔡文正(Wen-Chen Tsai)*、李亚欣(Ya-Hsin Li)、曾盈甄(Ying-Chen Tseng), 基层医师对实施基层分科总额预算之意愿及影响因素, 台湾公共卫生杂志/Taiwan Journal of Public Health, vol.30 no.2 pp.150-164, 2011
2010 李亚欣(Ya-Hsin Li)、蔡文正(Wen-Chen Tsai)、Mahmud Khan、杨文达(Wen-Ta Yang)、Tsuey-Fong Lee、Yi-Chun Wu、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)*, The effects of pay-for-performance on tuberculosis treatment in Taiwan, HEALTH POLICY AND PLANNING, vol.25 no.4 pp.334-341, 2010
2010 蔡文正(Wen-Chen Tsai)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、Mahmud Khan、Claudia Campbell、杨文达(Wen-Ta Yang)、Tsuey-Fong Lee、李亚欣(Ya-Hsin Li)*, Effects of pay-for-performance system on tuberculosis default cases control and treatment in Taiwan, JOURNAL OF INFECTION, vol.61 no.3 pp.235-243, 2010
2009 蔡文正(Wen-Chen Tsai)、游秋华(Chiu-Hua Yu)、黄光华(Kuang-Hua Huang)、谢淑惠(Shwn-Huey Shieh)、陈慧珊(Hui-Shan Chen)、廖家慧(Chia-Hui Liao)、吴守宝(Shou-Bao Wu)、詹勳政(Hsun-Cheng Chan)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)*, 健保IC卡对医师诊疗之助益及其相关因素, 台湾公共卫生杂志/Taiwan Journal of Public Health, vol.28 no.3 pp.205-217, 2009
2009 蔡文正(Tsai, Wen-Chen)*、王正治、许可达、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung), 西医基层医师之风险趋避态度与相关因素-以中部地区为例, 澄清医护管理杂志, vol.5 no.4 pp.23-29, 2009
2008 龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、蔡文正(Tsai WC)*、Hu HY, Disease Patterns and Socioeconomic Status Associated with Utilization of Computed Tomgraphy in Taiwan, 1997-2003., Journal of the Formosan Medical Association, vol.107 no.2 pp.145-155, 2008
2008 叶娟娟(Yeh CC)、蔡文正(Tsai WC)*、锺政达(Chung CT)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung), 病患与医护人员对医疗服务品质认知落差之探讨-以心导管利用为例, 医务管理期刊, vol.9 no.1 pp.1-20, 2008
2008 蔡文正(Tsai WC)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)*、廖家慧(Liao CH)、张伍隆(Chang WL)、林正介(Lin CC)、许南荣(Hsu NY)、李奇学(Lee CH), 监所收容人纳入全民健康保险可行性之探讨, 台湾公共卫生杂志/Taiwan Journal of Public Health, vol.27 no.3 pp.198-213, 2008
2008 蔡文正(Tsai WC)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、翁瑞宏(Weng RH)*、张永贤(Chang YH)、李思仪(Lee SY), 应用SERVQUAL量表建构中医医疗服务品质指标, 台湾公共卫生杂志/Taiwan Journal of Public Health, vol.27 no.4 pp.309-319, 2008
2007 龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、吕嘉欣(Lu CH)、蔡文正(Tsai WC)*, 基层医师释出慢性病连续处方籤之意愿及相关因素, 台湾公共卫生杂志, vol.26 no.1 pp.26-37, 2007
2007 蔡文正(Tsai WC)*、陈慧珊(Chen HS)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、吴守宝(Wu HB)、杨志良(Chih-Liang Yaung), 基层医师对实施品质报告卡之意愿与相关因素, 台湾公共卫生杂志, vol.26 no.2 pp.149-160, 2007
2007 蔡文正(Tsai WC)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)*、Chiang HH、Chang WC, Changes and Factors Associated With Dentists' Willingness to Treat Patients with Severe Disabilities., HEALTH POLICY, vol.83 no.2-3 pp.363-374, 2007
2007 蔡文正(Tsai WC)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、翁瑞宏(Weng RH)*, 应用认知价值选择模式分析病患至基层诊所就诊意愿相关因素, 中台湾医学科学杂志, vol.12 no.4 pp.220-229, 2007
2007 许南荣、蔡文正(Tsai WC)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)*、郭娓吟(Kuo WY)、陈志毅(Chen CY)、林正介(Lin CC), 住院癌症病患之服务品质认知落差分析, 中台湾医学科学杂志, vol.12 no.4 pp.211-219, 2007
2007 蔡文正(Tsai WC)*、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、Chang WC, Influences of Market Competition on Dental Care Utilization under the Global Budget Payment System., COMMUNITY DENTISTRY AND ORAL EPIDEMIOLOGY, vol.35 no.6 pp.459-464, 2007
2006 蔡文正(Tsai WC)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)*、杨志良(Chih-Liang Yaung)、李亚欣(Li YH)、林思甄(Lin SC), 偏远地区民众就医可近性及满意度调查, 台湾公共卫生杂志, vol.25 no.5 pp.394-404, 2006
2005 龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、蔡文正(Tsai WC)*、杨志良(Chih-Liang Yaung)、廖凯平(Liao KP), Determinants of CT and MRI Utilization in Taiwan., International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, vol.21 no.1 pp.81-88, 2005
2005 胡晓云(Hsiao-Yun Hu)、蔡文正(Wen-Chen Tsai)*、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung), 肺结核病患未完成治疗原因探讨, 台湾公共卫生杂志, vol.24 no.4 pp.348-359, 2005
2005 蔡文正(Tsai WC)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)*、翁瑞宏(Weng RH)、郭娓吟(Kuo WY), 以平衡计分卡建构公立医院经营绩效评估指标, 医院杂志, vol.38 no.5 pp.44-59, 2005
2005 蔡文正(Tsai WC)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)*、胡晓云(Hu HY)、何清松(Ho CS)、林登圳(Lin DJ)、谢佳玲(Hsieh CL)、邓亚莉(Teng YL)、陈照惠(Chen CH)、吴瑞芬(Wu JF)、江静颖(Chiang CY)、杨宗儒(Yang TJ)、, Effects of a Tobacco Prevention Education Program on Adolescents' Knowledge of and Attitudes towards Smoking., 中台湾医学科学杂志, vol.10 no.4 pp.171-180, 2005
2005 蔡文正(Tsai WC)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)*、杨志良(Chih-Liang Yaung)、江怡如(Chiang YJ), 台湾高科技医疗仪器之利用趋势, 医务管理期刊, vol.6 no.4 pp.446-460, 2005
2005 蔡文正(Tsai WC)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)*、杨志良(Chih-Liang Yaung)、江怡如(Chiang YJ), CT及MRI医疗利用与影响费用因素, 台湾公共卫生杂志, vol.24 no.6 pp.529-538, 2005
2004 蔡文正(Tsai WC)*、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、廖凯平(Liao KP), The Impact of Physician Supply on the Utilization of Ambulatory Care Under National Health Insurance., 中台湾医学科学杂志, vol.9 no.1 pp.27-37, 2004
2004 蔡文正(Tsai WC)*、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、徐约翰(Hsu YH)、廖凯平(Liao KP), 不同经营特性洗肾机构之洗肾服务满意度, 医务管理期刊, vol.5 no.1 pp.101-119, 2004
2004 蔡文正(Tsai WC)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)*、Chiang YJ, Relationship between Malpractice Claims and Medical Care Quality., International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, vol.17 no.7 pp.394-400, 2004
2004 蔡文正(Tsai WC)、苏颜洲(Su YC)、张纬杰(Chang WC)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)*、林义纮, 乳癌病患治疗后生活品质及其影响因素, 医院杂志, vol.37 no.6 pp.56-72, 2004
2004 蔡文正(Tsai WC)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)*、翁瑞宏(Weng RH)、石贤彦(Shih HY), 基层医师与民众之服务品质认知落差分析, 医务管理期刊, vol.5 no.4 pp.385-402, 2004
2003 蔡文正(Tsai WC)*、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung), 民众对基层诊所评价与就医选择影响因素, 台湾公共卫生杂志, vol.22 no.3 pp.181-193, 2003
2002 蔡文正(Tsai WC)*、邱圣豪(Chiu SH)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、陈绫穗(Chen LS), 健保民众选择至非健保特约诊所自费就医因素之探讨, 医护科技学刊, vol.4 no.1 pp.15-30, 2002
2002 蔡文正(Tsai WC)*、李伯勳(Lee BS)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)、陈绫穗(Chen LS), 基层诊所未加入全民健保特约之因素探讨, 医务管理期刊, vol.3 no.1 pp.90-106, 2002
2002 Khan MM(Khan MM)*、蔡文正(Tsai WC)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung), Biased Enrollment of Medicare Beneficiaries in HMO., Journal of Health Care Finance, vol.28 no.4 pp.43-57, 2002
2002 杨文惠(Yang WH)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung)*, 门诊医疗服务市场区隔之研究-以台北市为例, 医务管理期刊, vol.3 no.3 pp.39-57, 2002
2001 蔡文正(Tsai WC)*、陈绫穗(Chen LS)、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung), 外籍劳工是否延误就医及其相关因素之研究, 台湾公共卫生杂志, vol.28 no.2 pp.109-122, 2001
2001 蔡文正(Tsai WC)*、龚佩珍(Pei-Tseng Kung), 中医医疗利用成长与医师数增加之关系, 台湾公共卫生杂志, vol.20 no.6 pp.463-474, 2001
奖项名称 颁奖单位
Outstanding Oral Presentation The 55th Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health Conference 2024
110学年度院级优良班级导师 本校
109学年度医学暨健康学院优良教学奖 本校
109学年度院级优良班级导师 本校
Award of Excellence (Research Report) 6th International Conference of Global Network of Public Health Nursing
107学年度校级班级优良导师 本校
108学年度医学暨健康学院「院级教学优良教师」 本校
107年度学术成果丰硕奖 本校
106学年度系级教学优良教师 本校
106年度学术成果丰硕奖 本校
106年连续两年指导大专生科技部计划绩优奖 本校
2018亚太医疗管理新纪元国际学术研讨会暨玉山医务暨健康管理学会会员大学口报医疗品质及长期照护组第二名 台中市玉山医务暨健康管理学会
2017智慧医疗迈向健康管理新时代学术研讨会暨玉山医务暨健康管理学会会员大学口报医疗品质组第三名 台中市玉山医务暨健康管理学会
2016翻转时代健康照护产业新契机国际学术研讨会暨玉山医务暨健康管理学会会员大学海报健康促进与预防医学组佳作2 台中市玉山医务暨健康管理学会
2016翻转时代健康照护产业新契机国际学术研讨会暨玉山医务暨健康管理学会会员大学海报健康促进与预防医学组佳作1 台中市玉山医务暨健康管理学会
2016翻转时代健康照护产业新契机国际学术研讨会暨玉山医务暨健康管理学会会员大学海报健康促进与预防医学组第二名 台中市玉山医务暨健康管理学会
2016翻转时代健康照护产业新契机国际学术研讨会暨玉山医务暨健康管理学会会员大学海报健康促进与预防医学组第一名 台中市玉山医务暨健康管理学会
2016翻转时代健康照护产业新契机国际学术研讨会暨玉山医务暨健康管理学会会员大学海报健康产业管理组佳作 台中市玉山医务暨健康管理学会
2016翻转时代健康照护产业新契机国际学术研讨会暨玉山医务暨健康管理学会会员大学口报健康促进与预防医学组佳作 台中市玉山医务暨健康管理学会
2016翻转时代健康照护产业新契机国际学术研讨会暨玉山医务暨健康管理学会会员大学口报公共卫生与流行病学组佳作 台中市玉山医务暨健康管理学会
2015健康产业新世代照护品质学术研讨会暨玉山医务暨健康管理学会会员大会暨十周年庆祝大会海报医疗品质与健康产业管理组第二名 台中市玉山医务暨健康管理学会
2015健康产业新世代照护品质学术研讨会暨玉山医务暨健康管理学会会员大会暨十周年庆祝大会海报卫生政策与医疗资讯组第二名 台中市玉山医务暨健康管理学会
2015健康产业新世代照护品质学术研讨会暨玉山医务暨健康管理学会会员大会暨十周年庆祝大会海报卫生政策与医疗资讯组第一名 台中市玉山医务暨健康管理学会
2015健康产业新世代照护品质学术研讨会暨玉山医务暨健康管理学会会员大会暨十周年庆祝大会海报健康促进与预防医学组佳作2 台中市玉山医务暨健康管理学会
2015健康产业新世代照护品质学术研讨会暨玉山医务暨健康管理学会会员大会暨十周年庆祝大会海报健康促进与预防医学组佳作1 台中市玉山医务暨健康管理学会
2015健康产业新世代照护品质学术研讨会暨玉山医务暨健康管理学会会员大会暨十周年庆祝大会海报健康促进与预防医学组第二名 台中市玉山医务暨健康管理学会
2015健康产业新世代照护品质学术研讨会暨玉山医务暨健康管理学会会员大会暨十周年庆祝大会口报医疗品质与卫生政策组(二)第三名 台中市玉山医务暨健康管理学会
2015健康产业新世代照护品质学术研讨会暨玉山医务暨健康管理学会会员大会暨十周年庆祝大会口报医疗品质与卫生政策组(一)第三名 台中市玉山医务暨健康管理学会
台湾公共卫生学会、台湾流行病学学会暨台湾事故伤害预防与安全促进学会2014年联合年会海报展示优秀论文奖 台湾公共卫生学会、台湾流行病学学会暨台湾事故伤害预防与安全促进学会
2014新世代健康促进及玉山医务暨健康管理学会学术研讨会暨会员大会论文海报发表4 台中市玉山医务暨健康管理学会
2014新世代健康促进及玉山医务暨健康管理学会学术研讨会暨会员大会论文海报发表3 台中市玉山医务暨健康管理学会
2014新世代健康促进及玉山医务暨健康管理学会学术研讨会暨会员大会论文海报发表2 台中市玉山医务暨健康管理学会
2014新世代健康促进及玉山医务暨健康管理学会学术研讨会暨会员大会论文海报发表1 台中市玉山医务暨健康管理学会
2014新世代健康促进及玉山医务暨健康管理学会学术研讨会暨会员大会论文海报发表 台中市玉山医务暨健康管理学会
102学年度优良教学奖 本校
102年产学合作绩优奖 本校
2011年健康产业管理学术研讨会及玉山医务暨健康产业管理学会学术研讨会暨会员大会论文口头发表 玉山医务暨健康产业管理学会
台湾公共卫生学会、台湾流行病学学会暨台湾事故伤害预防与安全促进学会2010年联合年会海报展示优秀论文奖 台湾公共卫生学会、台湾流行病学学会暨台湾事故伤害预防与安全促进学会
台湾公共卫生学会、台湾流行病学学会暨台湾事故伤害预防与安全促进学会2009年联合年会海报展示优秀论文奖 台湾公共卫生学会、台湾流行病学学会暨台湾事故伤害预防与安全促进学会
台湾公共卫生学会、台湾流行病学学会暨台湾事故伤害预防与安全促进学会2008年联合年会海报展示优秀论文奖 台湾公共卫生学会、台湾流行病学学会暨台湾事故伤害预防与安全促进学会
台湾公共卫生学会、台湾流行病学学会暨台湾事故伤害预防与安全促进学会2006年联合年会海报展示优秀论文奖 台湾公共卫生学会、台湾流行病学学会暨台湾事故伤害预防与安全促进学会
92学年度教学杰出教师 本校