
Title Date
Asia University Enters the List of 2020 World University Impact Rankings by THE Report.
2019-2nd cancel course
A New Face Recognition System Developed by AU Faculty and Students for COVID-19 Prevention.
Students from AU Leadership Center Take Part in Int'l Campaign “Great Kindness Challenge.”
Asia University Enters the List of Emerging Economies Ranking by 2020 THE Report.
Asia University is Ranked No. 9 in the List of Top-20 Universities in Taiwan.
Asia Univ. Sets up Epidemic Prevention Stations at Building Entrances for Quarantine Control.
Add/Drop Courses and Over Credits Application Schedule for 2nd Semester 2020
Asia University Leaps Up to Top 500 in the Latest 2020 THE World University Rankings.
AU Signs an MOU of Academic Collaboration with International Association of Universities and Colleges of Art, Design and Media (Cumulus).
2019-2nd Semester Course Pre-Selection
2019-1st Semester Application to Cancel Course
AU Is Ranked to Be a Best University in the World by 2020 THE Report.
108-1 Career Art Therapy exploring group,Welcome to participate
2019-1st Semester Course Pre-Selection
2019/04 Assistant Professor Kuan-Han Lin visits several well-known universities in Indonesia seeking for future collaboration
Add/Drop Courses and Over Credits Application Schedule for 2nd Semester 2019
Director of Taiwan Home Service Strategic Alliance Jin-Li Lin delivered a speech in Asia University
2018-2nd Semester Course Pre-Selection
Chief Executive Officer Of Yungshin Social Welfare Foundation Ming-Ming Zhao, deliver a speech in Asia University