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Doctoral Program

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健康產業管理學系 博士班課程規劃表 113學年度入學適用

Doctoral Program Curriculum Plan for Department of Healthcare Administration, Asia University
(Applicable for Fall 2024 Enrollees)

 畢業總學分:30學分                                           校課程委員會通過次別:1124
 Credits of Graduation30              Approved in the 1124 University Curriculum Committee meeting
Course Title
English Title
Year of the Program
Hours per week
(6) University Required Credits
博士論文 Doctoral Thesis
2 nd

1 st
3 0 0 0

2 nd

2 nd
3 0 0 0
(2) Required Credits
生物統計學特論 Special Topics in Biostatistics
1 st

2 nd
2 2 0 0 *2
選修學分 Elective Credits 健康產業暨高齡照護管理組專業選修學程12學分
(12) Healthcare and Gerontology Administration Specialization
研究法特論 Special Topics in Research Methods
1 st

1 st
2 2 0 0 *2/H
健康政策與管理 Special Topics in Health Policy and Management
1 st
1 st or 2 nd
2 2 0 0 二選一
Choose 1 out of 2
健康行為特論 Special Topics in Health Behavior
1 st
1 st or 2 nd
2 2 0 0
論文專題討論() Special Topics in Thesis Seminar I
1 st

1 st
1 1 0 0 *2/H
論文專題討論() Special Topics in Thesis Seminar II
1 st

1 st
1 1 0 0 *2/H
論文專題討論() Special Topics in Thesis Seminar III
2 nd

1 st
1 1 0 0 *2/H
論文專題討論() Special Topics in Thesis Seminar IV
2 nd

2 nd
1 1 0 0 *2/H
專題研究A Independent Study A
2 nd
1 st or 2 nd
2 2 0 0 五選二
Choose 2 out of 5
專題研究B Independent Study B
2 nd
1 st or 2 nd
2 2 0 0
專題研究C Independent Study C
2 nd
1 st or 2 nd
2 2 0 0
專題研究D Independent Study D
2 nd
1 st or 2 nd
2 2 0 0
專題研究E Independent Study E
2 nd
1 st or 2 nd
2 2 0 0
(16) Nursing Specialization
護理哲學與知識建構 Nursing Philosophy and Knowledge Construction
1 st

1 st
3 3 0 0 *2/N
高等量性研究法 Advanced Quantitative Research Methodology
1 st

1 st
3 3 0 0 *2/N
高等質性研究法 Advanced Qualitative Research Methodology
1 st

2 nd
3 3 0 0 *2/N
護理領導與健康政策 Leadership in Nursing and Health Policy
1 st

2 nd
3 3 0 0 *1/N
護理專題研究 Nursing Independent Study Ⅰ
2 nd

1 st
2 2 0 0 *2/N
護理專題研究 Nursing Independent Study Ⅱ
2 nd

2 nd
2 2 0 0 *2/N
(16) Optometry Specialization
眼視光特論 Special Topic in Ophthalmology and Optometry
1 st

1 st
2 2 0 0 *2/O
視光研究設計與分析 Experimental Design and Analysis in Optometry
1 st

1 st
2 2 0 0 *2/O
眼視光疾病大數據研究 Big data in Optometric Diseases
1 st

1 st
2 2 0 0 *2/O
視光研究發表特論 Special Topic in Optometry Research Presentation
2 nd

2 nd
2 2 0 0 *1/O
近視控制特論 Special Topic in Myopia Control
1 st

1 st
2 2 0 0 *2/O
視覺數據處理與應用 Visual Data Processing and Application
1 st

2 nd
2 2 0 0 *2/O
論文專題討論() Seminar I
1 st

1 st
1 1 0 0 *2/O
論文專題討論() Seminar II
1 st

2 nd
1 1 0 0 *2/O
論文專題討論() Seminar III
2 nd

1 st
1 1 0 0 *2/O
論文專題討論() Seminar IV
2 nd

2 nd
1 1 0 0 *2/O
Department Elective Courses
醫療社會學特論 Special Topics in Medical Sociology
1 st
1 st or 2 nd
2 2 0 0 *1/H
健康經濟學特論 Special Topics in Health Economics
1 st
1 st or 2 nd
2 2 0 0 *1/H
健康照護體系特論 Special Topics in Healthcare System
2 nd
1 st or 2 nd
2 2 0 0 *1/H
衛生計畫與評估特論 Special Topics in Health Planning and Evaluation
2 nd
1 st or 2 nd
2 2 0 0 *1/H
長期照顧特論 Special Topics in Long-Term Care
2 nd
1 st or 2 nd
2 2 0 0 *1/H
健康保險特論 Special Topics in Health Insurance
2 nd
1 st or 2 nd
2 2 0 0 *1/H
醫療行銷特論 Special Topics in Medical Services Marketing
2 nd
1 st or 2 nd
2 2 0 0 *1/H
健康資訊管理特論 Special Topics in Health Information Management
2 nd
1 st or 2 nd
2 2 0 0 *1/H
醫療機構管理特論 Special Topics in Healthcare Organization Management
2 nd
1 st or 2 nd
2 2 0 0 *1/H
健康照護品質特論 Special Topics in Quality of Healthcare
2 nd
1 st or 2 nd
2 2 0 0 *1/H
健康促進與衛生教育特論 Special Topics in Health Promotion and Health Education
2 nd
1 st or 2 nd
2 2 0 0 *1/H
社區健康照護特論 Special Topics in Community Healthcare
2 nd
1 st or 2 nd
2 2 0 0 *1/H
公共衛生特論 Special Topics in Public Health
2 nd
1 st or 2 nd
2 2 0 0 *1/H
全球健康議題 Global Health Issues
2 nd
1 st or 2 nd
2 2 0 0 *1/H
人力資源管理 Human Resource Management
1 st
1 st or 2 nd
3 3 0 0 *1/H
醫療品質管理 Healthcare Quality Management
2 nd
1 st or 2 nd
3 3 0 0 *1/H
社會科學研究法 Social Science Research Methods
1 st
1 st or 2 nd
2 2 0 0 *1/H
進階統計分析 Advanced Statistics
1 st
1 st or 2 nd
2 2 0 0 *1/H
健保資料庫分析 NHI Data Analysis
2 nd
1 st or 2 nd
2 2 0 0 *2/H
質性研究 Qualitative Research
2 nd
1 st or 2 nd
2 2 0 0 *2/H
整合分析 Meta-Analysis
2 nd
1 st or 2 nd
3 3 0 0 *2/H
流行病學 Epidemiology
2 nd
1 st or 2 nd
2 2 0 0 *2/H
長期追蹤資料分析 Longitudinal Data Analysis
2 nd
1 st or 2 nd
2 2 0 0 *2/H
學術論文寫作 Academic Writing
3 rd
1 st or 2 nd
2 2 0 0 *2/H
臨床試驗 Clinical Trials
3 rd
1 st or 2 nd
2 2 0 0 *2/H
高等護理教育特論 Special Topics on Nursing Education
1 st

1 st
2 2 0 0 *1/N
量表發展 Scale Development
1 st

2 nd
2 2 0 0 *2/N
老化生物學特論 Biology of Aging
1 st

2 nd
2 2 0 0 *1/N
護理與健康研究測量學 Measurement in Nursing and Health Research
2 nd

1 st
2 2 0 0 *2/N
高齡健康照護特論 Special Topics on Geriatric Health Care
2 nd

1 st
2 2 0 0 *1/N
跨文化健康照護 Cross-cultural Health Care
2 nd

1 st
2 2 0 0 *1/N
性與健康特論 Special Topics on Sexuality and Health
2 nd

2 nd
2 2 0 0 *1/N
慢性疾病的預防與處置 Prevention and Management of Chronic Disease
2 nd

2 nd
2 2 0 0 *1/N
家庭護理特論 Special Topics in Family Care
2 nd

2 nd
2 2 0 0 *1/N
視光服務與倫理 Ethics and Service in Optometry
3 rd
1 st or 2 nd
2 0 4 0 *1/O
視覺再生醫學 Visual Regeneration Medicine
3 rd

1 st
2 2 0 0 *2/O
鏡片光學特論 Special Topic in Optic of Spectacle Lens
3 rd

2 nd
2 2 0 0 *2/O
隱形眼鏡特論 Special Topic in Contact Lens
2 nd

2 nd
2 2 0 0 *2/O
眼科疾病學特論 Special Topic in Ocular Disease
2 nd

1 st
2 2 0 0 *2/O
臨床影像特論 Special Topic in Clinical Imaging and Evaluation Techniques
2 nd

1 st
2 2 0 0 *1/O

  • 畢業學分數 30 學分,含校定必修 6 學分,必修 2 學分,選修 22 學分(含各組專業選修學程)
Graduation requirement: 30 credits (including 6 credits of University Required Courses, 2 credits of Required Courses, and 22 credits of Elective Courses (including specialized elective courses for each group).
  • 健康產業暨高齡照護管理組、護理組學生必須修習兩門專題研究課程且為不同教師開課。
Students in the Division of Healthcare and Gerontology Administration or Division of Nursing are required to complete 2 independent studies from 2 different faculty members, respectively.
  • 學生於畢業前須修滿博士論文 6 學分,本系每學期開設 1 學分、2 學分及 3 學分之博士論文,學生可自行選修所需學分。
Students must complete 6 credits of doctoral dissertation before graduation. The department offers 1 credit, 2 credits, and 3 credits of doctoral dissertation options each semester, which students can choose based on their credit needs.
  • 學生可至校內其他學系選修課程,修習通過的學分至多可認列為畢業學分數共6學分,惟應事先提出申請。
Students may take elective courses from other departments of the university. A maximum of 6 credits from successfully completed courses can be counted toward the total graduation credits, but prior approval must be obtained.
  • 學生需透過「臺灣學術倫理教育資源中心」線上平台修習指定課程 6 小時,並於課程總測驗成績達及格標準,始得申請學位考試。
Students are required to complete designated courses totaling 6 hours through the online platform of the Center for Taiwan Academic Research Ethics Education and achieve a passing grade on the final course examination before they can apply for the degree examination.
  • 符號說明 Symbol Explanation
*1: 實務型課程 Practical Courses
*2: 研究型課程 Research Courses
H: 健管組開課 Courses offered by Division of Healthcare and Gerontology Administration.
N: 護理組開課 Courses offered by Division of Nursing.
O: 視光祖開課 Courses offered by Division of Optometry.