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Student Care
The department and the university take good care of students in many aspects.
The Dorm Service Team in the Office of General Affairs assists students to handle various accommodation issues. [more]
The Learning and Career Development Center and Teaching Excellence provides academic consulting. [more]
A “corner” is created here for learning English and other international languages. Teaching by 1-1 instructions and small group discussions are emphasized. The ultimate goal of the center is to help students become independent and rebuild their self-confidence in foreign language learning and usages. Foreign students with language proficiency may apply for part-time assistant jobs in the center. [more]
The Family Contact Center provides free phone calls for students to reach their families constantly. [more]
The Learning and Career Development Center helps students to adjust learning strategies, enhance learning efficiency, and design a good plan of 4-year course taking and training participation, aiming at promotion of each student's competitive capability after graduation. For more details, visit the Learning & Career Development Center located on the first floor in the Health Science Building. [more]
Student Care Overview[more]