View count:
Year | Name | Thesis Title | Advisor | Academic degree | Nationality |
109 | Vita Widyasari | Government role and society mobility amid the COVID-19 outbreakin Southeast Asia | Jium-Yi Wang | PhD | Indonesia |
109 | Motala Ceesay | The Socioeconomic Factors Affecting Access toMaternal Health and Utilization in DevelopingCountries: A Systematic Review and Meta- | Liao, Hung-En | MS | Gambia |
109 | Verlita Evelyn Susanto | Association between Polypharmacy and Drug-related Problems among Elderly: A SystematicReview and Meta-Analysis. | Kuan-Han Lin | MS | Indonesia |
108 | Valendriyani Ningrum |
The Clinical Oral Health Status Studies of Individuals with Special Needs. |
Yin-Hwa Shih | PhD | Indonesia |
108 | Adama NS Bah | Improvement in Oral health-related quality of life ofadults patients after rehabilitation with partialdentures : A Systematic review and meta-analysis. | Yin-Hwa Shih | MS | Gambia |
107 | Ariel Ballesteros Urbina | Factors that influence the quality of rehabilitationcare according to primary health care rehabilitationprofessionals experiences in Santiago de Chile |
Shu-Nu Chang-Lee Shiu-Min Cheng |
MS | Chile |
107 | Ririn Cholisotul Muawanah | The association between socio-economic status andchild development: A study among preschool-agechildren in slum area of Jakarta and Bekasi,Indonesia | Ho-Jui Tung | MS | Indonesia |
103 | Batbayasgalan Bayarsaikhan | Determinants of comprehensive knowledge of HIV/AIDS among high-school student in Mongolia | Bing-Long Wang | MS | Mongolia |
103 | Darmaa Oyungerel | Perceived Body Weight among School-Aged Adolescents in Mongolia | Jenn-Chang Liou | MS | Mongolia |
103 | Taurai Monalisa Museka | Combined Effect of Sleep Quantity and Sleep Quality on Obesity in the Taiwanese Adult Population | Bing-Long Wang | MS | Zimbabwe |
103 | Bayarzol Ulziit | Combined Effect of Sleep Quantity and Quality on Hypertension | Bing-Long Wang | MS | Mongolia |
103 | Batbayasgalan Bayarsaikhan | Determinants of Comprehensive Knowledge of HIV/AIDS among High-School Students in Mongolia | Bing-Long Wang | MS | Mongolia |
102 | James Blessings Mwambene | Prevalence and Correlates of Hunger among Primary and Secondary School Children in Malawi: Results from the 2009 Global School-based Health Survey | Jenn-Chang Liou | MS | Malawi |
102 | Divaakhuu Duumaam | Factors Contributing to Nursing Leadership in Mongolia | Bing-Long Wang | MS | Mongolia |
102 | Tati Rahmawati | Determinants of Children Under-Five Diarrhea in Indonesia | Jenn-Chang Liou | MS | Indonesia |
102 | Hans Lie | Prevalence and Correlates of Smoking Behavior among School-Aged Adolescents in Four Countries in South East Asia | Jenn-Chang Liou | MS | Indonesia |
102 | Mara Rica Alelis Silva | Exploring Contraceptive Use and Induced Abortion among Women Aged 15-49 in the Philippines Using Demographic Health Survey 2008 | Jenn-Chang Liou | MS | Philippines |
101 | Ulziidemberel Enkhjargal | Determination of the Median Levels of Maternal Serum Free β-hCG, PAPP-A and Fetal NT Thickness at 11-13+6 Weeks in Relation to co-variables in Mongolian | Bing-Long Wang | MS | Mongolia |
101 | Altanchimeg Batsukh | Papanicolaou Smear Screening of Women with and without Intellectual Disabilities: A Longitudinal Survey in Taiwan | Bing-Long Wang | MS | Mongolia |
101 | Munkhtsatsral Sukhee | Prevalence and Risk Factors of Dysmenorrhea among Working-aged Women in Taiwan | Bing-Long Wang | MS | Mongolia |
101 | Siwi Sri Widhowati | Prevalence and Correlates of Suicide Ideation among Junior Middle School Students in Four Cities of China | Jenn-Chang Liou | MS | Indonesia |
101 | Desita Dyah Mukti Adityaningrum | The Relationship between Parenting Factors and Adolescents Smoking Behavior in Indonesia: A Cross Sectional Study | Bing-Long Wang | MS | Indonesia |
101 | LOH SZE MIEN | The Association between Sleep Duration and Obesity in Management Executives | Bing-Long Wang | MS | Malaysia |
101 | Bolor Beejin | Prevalence of Carbonated Soft Drinks Intake and its Associated Factors among Secondary School Students in Mongolia | Jenn-Chang Liou | MS | Mongolia |
101 | Javzan Badarch | Prevalence and Factors Associated with Truancy among in School Adolescents: Findings from the 2010 Mongolia Global School-based Health Survey | Jenn-Chang Liou | MS | Mongolia |
101 | Bayar Chuluunbaatar | Prevalence and Correlates of Being Bullied among In-school Students: Results from the 2010 Global School-based Health Survey In Mongolia | Jenn-Chang Liou | MS | Mongolia |
100 | Chuluuntogtokh Bayanbileg | Breast Cancer Risk Factors for Mongolian Women | Shou-Jen Lan | MS | Mongolia |
100 | Arina Rizkiana | Factors Influencing Complications of Married Women During Pregnancy In Indonesia | Bing-Long Wang | MS | Indonesia |
100 | Azizah Nurdin | Determinants Of Comprehensive Knowledge And Attitude Of HIV/AIDS Among Women In Indonesia | Bing-Long Wang | MS | Indonesia |
100 | Munkhsaikhan Sodnom | Neoliberalism and world population health | Chih-Liang Yaung | PhD | Mongolia |
99 | Septian Arief Gandaputra | Being Bullied and Its Associated Factors among Middle School Students in Indonesia | Jenn-Chang Liou | MS | Indonesia |
99 | Uyanga Altangerel | Prevalence of Suicidal Behavior and Related Factors Among Mongolian High School Students | Jenn-Chang Liou | MS | Mongolia |
99 | Galih Nindy Pratiwi | “They are Heroes!”Father’s Participation in Their Role for Ensuring Safe Motherhood in Indonesia | Bing-Long Wang | MS | Indonesia |
99 | Batgerel Altanbagana | Fruit and Vegetable Intake and Associated Factors among Secondary School Students in Mongolia | Jenn-Chang Liou | MS | Mongolia |
99 | FERRY EFENDI | Factors Affecting Nurses’ Retention in Rural and Remote Areas in Indonesia | Jenn-Chang Liou | MS | Indonesia |
98 | Mardiana Habibi | Impact of Complications on Hospitalization Cost for Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus in Taiwan | Chih-Liang Yaung, Ching-Sung Ho | MS | Indonesia |
98 | Anita Lilian Khodra | US Hospitals Strive for Quality: A Comparative Study of the Relationship between Hospital Process and Outcome Measures | Bing-Long Wang | MS | Saint Lucia |
98 | Helen Andriani | Prevalence and Determinants of Hypertension in Indonesia: A Population-based Study | Bing-Long Wang | MS | Indonesia |
97 | Enkhzaya chuluunbaatar | Cost-Effectiveness of Screening Syphilis among Pregnant Women in Mongolia | Tsai-Chung Li, Jenn Chang Liou | MS | Mongolia |
97 | Bayanjargal Galdantsogt | Recourses Used Before and After Implementation of Hospital Global Budgeting Among Primary Cesarean Delivery in Taiwan | Chih-Liang Yaung | MS | Mongolia |
97 | Safrin Arifin | ADOLESCENT SEX AND ITS HIV/AIDS PREVENTION IN INDONESIA | Ming-Cheng Chang | MS | Indonesia |
97 | Fenni Widya Sari | Survival and Hospitalization Among Dialysis Patients In Taiwan In 2001-2005:Propensity Score Approach | Yaw-Tang Shih | MS | Indonesia |
97 | Erry Yudhya Mulyani | A Study on Influencing Factors to Anemia Status in Indonesian Women of Reproductive Age- Results from a National Health Survey | Jenn-Chang Liou | MS | Indonesia |
97 | Wahyuddin | The risk factors of stroke in Indonesia | Bing-Long Wang | MS | Indonesia |
96 | LauriNiilisk | Occupational, Commuting and Leisure-Time Physical Activity mong Occupational Categories in Estonia | Jenn-Chang Liu | MS | Australia |
96 | NurAisyahJamil | Factors Influencing Initiation and Duration of Breastfeeding in Indonesia | Jenn-Chang Liu | MS | Indonesia |
96 | MunkhsaikhanSodnom | Technical Efficiency of Public Hospitals in Mongolia:An Application of Date Envelopment Analysis | Ming-Cheng Chang | MS | Mongolia |
95 | ZoniaBernardoTello | Determinants of Prenatal Care Use among Women in Peru | Jenn-Chang Liu | MS | Peru |
95 | SIMMIGROVER | A study of Prevalence and Detenninants of Anemia among Reproductive Age Women in India | Jenn-Chang Liu | MS | Indonesia |
94 | MuhammadSyamsuHidayat | Indonesia’s Health Decentralization: an Initial Evaluation Assessing Allocative Efficiency on Indonesia’s Health Budget | Wen-Hui Cheng | MS | Indonesia |
94 | WoroYunitaTrimuktiDewiRetn | The Initial impacts of Economic Crisis on access to healthcare among children in Indonesia The Initial impacts of Economic Crisis on access to hea | Hung-En Liao | MS | Indonesia |
94 | JokoMulyanto | Perceived Health Status in Indonesia: Determinants and Inequality Issue | Chih-Liang Yaung | MS | Indonesia |
94 | DedyPurwito | Utilization of Primary Health Care in Indonesia: Findings from the 2000 Indonesia Family Life Survey | Ming-Cheng Chang | MS | Indonesia |
94 | HermanSumawan | Inequity of Access to Healthcare in Indonesia:Longitudinal Survey Evidence | Ming-Cheng Chang | MS | Indonesia |
94 | Asiandi | Determinants of childhood survival in Indonesia: Evidence from Indonesia Demographic and Health Survey 2002-2003 | Ming-Cheng Chang | MS | Indonesia |