
Title Date
AU Teaches Parents and Children to Say Goodbye to Overuse of 3C Products
The New Southbound Talent Development Program of AU Wins the Biggest National Financial Support
AU Wins Four National Innovation Awards This Year
Exchange program
President of Asia University, Jing-Pha Tsai, Was Invited as a Keynote Speaker at 2020 Annual Meeting of AI Academy
AU Enters the Best list of 2021 THE World University Rankings
AU and the University of Victoria in Canada Hold Jointly an Online Conference for Degree-offering Cooperation
AU Holds an Exhibition of AI Application and Teaching Achievements
AU Enters the 2021 THE Ranking List of 1000 Top Universities in the World
Add/Drop Courses and Over Credits Application Schedule for 1st Semester 2020
2020 AU Virtual Exchange Program Apply Now!!!
The Dept. of Nursing at AU Is Ranked No. 1 in Competitions of Applications for the MOST College Student Research Projects in Taiwan
The Academic Impact Index of Asia University is ranked No. 6 in Taiwan
Artworks of 13 AU Students Win the Red Dot Design Awards.
AU Enters MOE-supported 2020 National Teaching Practice Research Program
Asia University Enters the List of 200 Youngest Universities in THE Ranking
AU Enters the Lists of the Best Universities in 2020 Asia University Rankings by THE reports
The AU Students Win One Gold, Two Bronze, and Three Merit Medals of the ADC Awards
2020-1 st Semester Course Pre Selection
An Interview with AU about Virus Protection by the AICEE, Taiwan