Asia University Is Ranked in the List of 30 Best Universities in Taiwan.

  • 2016-10-05
  • Admin Admin

The teachers of the Nursing Dept. at AU holding a coronation and flame passing ceremony. All the graduates of the department are guaranteed to enter the AU Hospital as employees.

Global Views Monthly reported the 2016 ranking result of the best universities in Taiwan on September 29. National Universities are ranked to be the leaders as expected, with the listed top 5 schools being National Taiwan University, National Cheng Kung University, National Tsing Hua University, National Chiao Tung University and National Yang Ming University. In the top 30 best universities, Asia University (AU)(Asia University, Taiwan), being just 16 years old only, is the youngest, which is regarded as a miracle in the higher education history in Taiwan!

The Global Views Monthly university ranking report is famous in the university circle. The rankings are based on five major achievements of the evaluated universities --- teaching, research, social reputation, Industry-academic cooperation and internationalization. More detailed indicators of the rankings include academic reputation, citations per English paper and university-performance evaluation by the presidents, etc. In the 2016 Global Views Monthly report, a total of 14 private universities enter the list of the top 30 universities in Taiwan, which means that the private universities in Taiwan are striving hard in recent years to face the challenge of abruptly decreases of student enrollments due to the population reduction trend in Taiwan in the recent years.

It is worth to mention some of the achievements of AU which leads to her distinguished performances in school running. The AU founder Chang-hai Tsai has invited Mr. Tadao Ando, a world-renown architect, to design an art gallery for AU, called Asia Modern Art Museum, which is completed and opened to the public already. In addition, in recent years AU has invited a total of 14 Nobel Laureates to give speeches to or hold symposiums with the students and faculty members of AU, promoting their global views of academics and teaching. This is an achivement not conducted by any other universities, no matter national or private, in Taiwan.

Furthermore, the Board of Directors of AU and that of CMU have approved unification of the two universities to form an academic alliance, called “China Asia Associated University (CA2),” which fosters excellence of school running of both universities in recent years. This can allow the students of AU and those of CMU to enjoy the shared resources of teaching, research, and campus life of the two universities, making the slogan “entering one school to enjoy two schools’ resources” come true. Finally, AU has just completed the construction of a university hospital and opened it to the public in the last month, which may be used as a teaching and research platform in addition to offering medical services to the local people in the great Taichung City area.

The vice dean of the Creative Design College and the chair of the VCD Dept. at AU, Prof. Sheng-Min Hsien, are discussing course materials with students on campus.