Dr. Jing-Yi Lu
Name Dr. Jing-Yi Lu
Job title Assistant Professor
Extension 20055
Office Location HB55
Education Ph.D. in Adult and Continuing Education, National Chung Cheng University
Specialty Adult Education; Elder Eduaction; Elderly activity design
Teaching Subjects Geriatric Assessment and Management; Qualitative Research; Health Education and Health Promotion
Biography Dr. Jing-Yi Lu is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Healthcare Administration at Asia University. She obtained her PhD degree from Department of Adult and Continuing Education at National Chung Cheng University in 2018. After that, she has two years been a project manager of Center for Active Aging and Technology Innovation, and been an Adjunct Assistant Professor of General Education Center at Tunghai University, which she implemented University Social Responsibility Project for construct the support systems of elderly service and offer the elderly relevant courses. She has published in academic journals various articles on elder education design, the motivations and benefits of older adults’ cooperative learning, and proactive aging for elderly. Her main research interests lie in senior education, elderly activity design, proactive aging and service learning for elderly, and long-term care for talent cultivation.
Year Paper Title
2024 盧婧宜(Jing Yi Lu)、李雅慧(Ya Hui Lee)*、王怡分(Yi-Fen Wang), Dilemmas and support strategies in dementia care: Experiences of case managers in Taiwan, Dementia-International Journal of Social Research and Practice, vol.23 no.2 pp.1-17, 2024
2023 盧婧宜(Jing Yi Lu)*, A Study on the Experience of Older Adults Participating in Online Learning during th COVID-19 Pandemic, Journal of Namibian Studies, vol.34 no.2 pp.1760-1773, 2023
2023 王怡分(Yi-Fen Wang)、李雅慧(Ya-Hui Lee)、李振威(Chen-Wei Lee)、盧婧宜(Jing Yi Lu)、施宇澤(Yu-Ze Shih)、李宜恭(Yi-Kung Lee)*, The Physician-Patient Communication Behaviors Among Medical Specialists in a Hospital Setting, HEALTH COMMUNICATION, vol.10 pp.1-11, 2023
2023 Kellyana Irawati、Ferika Indarwati、Fahni Haris、盧婧宜(Jing Yi Lu)、石尹華(Yin-Hwa Shih), Religious Practices and Spiritual Well-Being of Schizophrenia: Muslim Perspective, Psychology Research and Behavior Management, vol.16 pp.739-748, 2023
2022 王怡分(Yi-Fen Wang)、李雅慧(Ya-Hui Lee)、盧婧宜(Jing Yi Lu), Community long-term care services in Taiwan: A qualitative study based on provider’s perspectives, Working with Older People, 2022
2022 王怡分(Yi Fen Wang)、李雅慧(Ya Hui Lee)、盧婧宜(Jing Yi Lu), Community-Based Long-Term Care in Taiwan: The Service Experiences of Tier B Centers, JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SERVICE RESEARCH, vol.48 no.3 pp.385-395, 2022
2021 盧婧宜(Jing Yi Lu)、李雅慧(Ya Hui Lee)、李振威(Chen Wei Lee)、王怡分(Yi Fen Wang)、李宜恭(Yi Kung Lee), Communicate with elderly patients in the medical visit: Doctors’ service experiences of a regional hospital in Taiwan, JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SERVICE RESEARCH, vol.48 no.2 pp.226-233, 2021
2019 李雅慧(Ya-Hui Lee)、盧婧宜(Jing Yi Lu), 高齡者在教育經費分配不利下參與服務學習之研究, 教育政策論壇/Educational Policy Forum, vol.22 no.4 pp.129-165, 2019
2018 李雅慧(Ya-Hui Lee)、盧婧宜(Jing Yi Lu), 前瞻因應量表發展之研究, 應用心理研究, vol.68 pp.43-98, 2018
2015 李雅慧(Ya Hui Lee)、盧婧宜(Jing Yi Lu), 中高齡學習者參與服務學習之經驗研究, 福祉科技與服務管理學刊, vol.3 no.3 pp.265-266, 2015
Year Book Title
2018 李雅慧(Ya-Hui Lee)、盧婧宜(Jing Yi Lu), Progress in Education, Learning Outside of the Classroom: An Analysis of the Motivations and Benefits of Older Adults’ Cooperative Learning in Taiwan, Nova Science Publishers, Jan. 2018
Date of Publication Paper Title
2023.06 盧婧宜(Jing Yi Lu), A Study on the Experience of Older Adults Participating in Online Learning during the COVID, 19 Pandemic - International Conference on Adult Education Practice and Lifelong Learning (ICAEPLL-23), Jun. 2023, 日本東京
2021.05 王怡分(Yi Fen Wang)、盧婧宜(Jing Yi Lu)、李雅慧(Ya-Hui Lee), 照顧服務人力的培訓經驗探討-以臺灣長照2.0政策之BC級單位為例 , 2021台灣社會福利學會年會暨國際學術研討會:「福利國家與社會團結-疫情下人權與社會福利典範與創新」, May. 2021, 台北
Project Title Participator Period
可信賴專業活動框架下醫病共享決策指標建構之研究:畢業後一般醫學訓練醫師與教師的經驗 (MOST-112-2410-H-303-002) 李宜恭(Yi-Kung Lee)、李雅慧(Ya-Hui Lee)、盧婧宜(Jing Yi Lu)、陳祖裕(Cho-Yu Chan)、李振威(Chen-Wei Lee) 2023.08 ~ 2024.07
「疫」起居家學:樂齡者轉換線上學習與自我效能之研究 (MOST-111-2410-H-468-017-SS2) 盧婧宜(Jing Yi Lu) 2022.08 ~ 2024.07
Category Course Code Course Title Year
大學日間部 TA300117C 健康促進與衛生教育 113
大學日間部 TA300149A 學輔時間(四) 113
大學日間部 TA300167A 社會學 113
大學日間部 TA300167B 社會學 113
大學日間部 TA300177A 長期照顧概論 113
大學日間部 TA300187A 健康產業簡報與溝通 113
Year Research Title Authors
111 身心障礙住宿機構教保員照顧服務對象老化之經驗歷程 黃雋恒
110 The Association of Social Isolation and Loneliness with Malnutrition among the Elderly: A Systematic Review and Meta Analysis Muhammad Alwi Eka Pranata
Year Project name Advising professor Department Student name
111 老少共學‧世代共融─代間學習對世代刻板印象翻轉與成效之研究 盧婧宜 健康產業管理學系 張毓珊