Dr. Chih-Ching Liu
Name Dr. Chih-Ching Liu
Job title Assistant Professor
Extension 48037
Office Location 8037
Education Ph.D. in Public Health, National Cheng Kung University
Specialty Health Policy; Epidemiology; Nursing
Teaching Subjects Health Statistics; Advanced Community Healthcare; Health Care Delivery System
Biography Dr. Chih-Ching Liu is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Healthcare Administration at Asia University. She is a Registered Nurse and twice received hospital-level Outstanding Nursing Awards. In addition to working in the hospital over past few years, she also served as an official in the Ministry of Health and Welfare, Taiwan, for about six years. She earned her Ph.D. from Department of Public Health, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan. One of her research interests focuses on health risk assessment, including investigation for the etiology and prognosis of chronic disease (such as dementia, Parkinson’s disease, and cancer). Her another research interest focuses on heath service research, including effectiveness of clinical treatment, medical utilizations of illness, and healthcare quality. She has published more than 20 papers in the international recognized journals. She currently serves as an editor in the BioMed Research International (SCI journal).
Year Paper Title
2023 劉芷菁(Liu, Chih-Ching)*、Lin CY、Liu CH、Chang KC、Wang SK、Wang JY, Bidirectional Association Between Major Depressive Disorder and Dementia: Two Population-Based Cohort Studies in Taiwan, COMPREHENSIVE PSYCHIATRY, vol.127 pp.152411-, 2023
2023 Wang JY、Yang YW、Liu CH、Chang KC、Lin YT、劉芷菁(Liu, Chih-Ching)*, Emergency Department Visits and Associated Factors among People with Dementia Residing in Nursing Homes in Taiwan: A One-Year Cohort Study, BMC Geriatrics, vol.23 no.503 pp.1-9, 2023
2023 Liu CH、Wang JY、Chang KC、Ko MC、Lee PC、劉芷菁(Liu, Chih-Ching)*, Risks of Organ Failures and Deaths Associated with Young-Onset Dementia after Hospitalizations for Motor Vehicle Crash Injuries: A Nationwide Population-Based Retrospective Cohort Study, Scientific Reports, vol.13 pp.4145-, 2023
2023 劉芷菁(Liu, Chih-Ching)*、Liu CH、Wang JY、Chang KC, Health-care Utilization among Dementia Patients with or without Comorbid Depression in Taiwan: A Nationwide Population-Based Longitudinal Study, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GERIATRIC PSYCHIATRY, vol.38 no.2 pp.e5889-, 2023
2023 Lee KY、Chen CY、Chen JK、劉芷菁(Liu, Chih-Ching)、Chang KC、Fung XCC、Chen JS、Kao YC, Exploring mediational roles for self-stigma in associations between types of problematic use of internet and psychological distress in youth with ADHD., RESEARCH IN DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES, vol.133 pp.104410-, 2023
2022 劉芷菁(Liu, Chih-Ching)*、Liu CH、Chang KC、Ko MC、Lee PC、王俊毅(Jiun-Yi Wang), Association Between Young-Onset Dementia and Risk of Hospitalization for Motor Vehicle Crash Injury in Taiwan: A Nationwide Population-Based Retrospective Cohort Study, JAMA Network Open, vol.5 no.5 pp.e2210474-, 2022
2021 劉芷菁(Liu, Chih-Ching)、Liu C-H、Sun Y、Lee H-J、Tang L-Y、Chiu M-J*, Rural-urban disparities in the prevalence of mild cognitive impairment and dementia in Taiwan: A door-to-door nationwide study, JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY, 2021
2021 Sun Y、Fan LY、Huang CT、劉芷菁(Liu, Chih-Ching)、Chen TF、Lu CJ、Guo WY、Chang YC、Chiu MJ*, Prognostic Features of Sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease: an analysis of Taiwan’s Nationwide Surveillance, Journal of the American Medical Directors Association pp.1-7, 2021
2020 Sun Y、劉芷菁(Liu, Chih-Ching)、Fan L-Y、Huang C-T、Chen T-F、Lu C-J、Guo W-Y、Chang Y-C、Chiu M-J, Incidence of and mortality due to human prion diseases in Taiwan: a prospective 20-year nationwide surveillance study from 1998 to 2017, Clinical Epidemiology, vol.12 pp.1073-1081, 2020
2020 劉芷菁(Liu, Chih-Ching)、Sun Y、Kung SF、Kuo HW、Huang NH、Li CY、Hu SC(Hu SC)*, Effects of physical and social environments on the risk of dementia among Taiwanese older adults: a population-based case-control study., BMC Geriatrics, vol.20 no.1 pp.226-, 2020
2019 劉芷菁(Liu, Chih-Ching)、Sun Y、Lee PC、Li CY、Hu SC*, Risk of Dementia after Parkinson’s Disease in Taiwan: A Population-based Retrospective Cohort Study Using National Health Insurance Claims, BMJ Open, vol.9 no.3 pp.e025274-, 2019
2019 劉芷菁(Liu, Chih-Ching)、Li CY、Kung SF、Kuo HW、Huang NH、Sun Y、Hu SC*, Association of Environmental Features and the Risk of Alzheimer’s Dementia in Older Adults: A Nationwide Longitudinal Case-Control Study, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, vol.16 no.16 pp.2828-, 2019
2019 劉芷菁(Liu, Chih-Ching)、Li CY、Sun Y、Hu SC*, Gender and Age Differences and the Trend in the Incidence and Prevalence of Dementia and Alzheimer's Disease in Taiwan: A 7-Year National Population-based Study, Biomed Research International pp.5378540-, 2019
2017 劉芷菁(Liu, Chih-Ching)、Chen PC、Lee PC、Gan ZR、Chang HH、Lee BF、Li CY*, An Introduction to the “Guidebook for Epidemiological Studies on Cancer Risk in Populations Living Near Nuclear Facilities., Monthly Journal of Taipower’s Engineering, vol.823 pp.1-17, 2017
2016 劉芷菁(Liu, Chih-Ching)、Li CY、Lee PC、Sun Y*, Variations in Incidence and Prevalence of Parkinson's Disease in Taiwan: A Population-Based Nationwide Study, Parkinsons Disease pp.8756359-, 2016
2016 Lee PC、Liu LL、Sun Y、Chen YA、劉芷菁(Liu, Chih-Ching)、Li CY、Yu HL、Ritz B(Ritz B)*, Traffic-related air pollution increased the risk of Parkinson's disease in Taiwan: A nationwide study, ENVIRONMENT INTERNATIONAL, vol.96 pp.75-81, 2016
2015 Lin YC、劉芷菁(Liu, Chih-Ching)、Hwang SL、Li CY、Chou LP、Liu CC, Are diabetic physicians at a lower risk of hospitalization for coronary heart disease? A nationwide cohort study in Taiwan, ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH, vol.27 no.2 pp.NP361-NP371, 2015
2015 Fang HS、劉芷菁(Liu, Chih-Ching)、Jia CH、Chen YH、Li CY, Risk of Developing Coronary Artery Disease in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Receiving Traditional Chinese Medicine Therapy, JOURNAL OF ALTERNATIVE AND COMPLEMENTARY MEDICINE, vol.21 no.10 pp.604-609, 2015
2014 Chang YT、劉芷菁(Liu, Chih-Ching)、Tsai LM、Li CY、Sung JM*, Separate and joint effects of diabetes mellitus and chronic kidney disease on the risk of acute coronary syndrome: a population-based cohort study, MEDICINE, vol.93 no.28 pp.e261-, 2014
2013 Ko MC、Chiu AW、劉芷菁(Liu, Chih-Ching)、Liu CK、Woung LC、Yu LK、Li CY*, Effect of diabetes on mortality and length of hospital stay in patients with renal or perinephric abscess, Clinics, vol.68 no.8 pp.1109-1114, 2013
2013 Woung LC、Peng PH、劉芷菁(Liu, Chih-Ching)、Tsai CY、Wang KC、Lee WJ、Chen TS、Li CY*, A nine-year population-based cohort study on the risk of multiple sclerosis in patients with optic neuritis, TOHOKU JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE, vol.231 no.3 pp.171-177, 2013
2012 Lin CH、Lee YY、劉芷菁(Liu, Chih-Ching)、Chen HF、Ko MC、Li CY*, Urbanization and prevalence of depression in diabetes, PUBLIC HEALTH, vol.126 no.2 pp.104-111, 2012
2012 Wang KC、Woung LC、Tsai MT、劉芷菁(Liu, Chih-Ching)、Su YH、Li CY*, Risk of Alzheimer's disease in relation to diabetes: a population-based cohort study, NEUROEPIDEMIOLOGY, vol.38 no.4 pp.237-244, 2012
2012 Li CY、劉芷菁(Liu, Chih-Ching)、Chang YH、Chou LP、Ko MC*, A population-based case-control study of radiofrequency exposure in relation to childhood neoplasm, SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, vol.435 no.436 pp.472-478, 2012
2011 劉芷菁(Liu, Chih-Ching)、Chen KR、Chen HF、Huang HL、Chen CC、Lee MD、Ko MC、Li CY*, Association of doctor specialty with diabetic patient risk of hospitalization due to diabetic ketoacidosis: a national population-based study in Taiwan, JOURNAL OF EVALUATION IN CLINICAL PRACTICE, vol.17 no.1 pp.150-155, 2011
2011 Ko MC、劉芷菁(Liu, Chih-Ching)、Liu CK、Woung LC、Chen HF、Su HF、Li CY*, Incidence of renal and perinephric abscess in diabetic patients: a population-based national study, EPIDEMIOLOGY AND INFECTION, vol.139 no.2 pp.229-235, 2011
2010 劉芷菁(Liu, Chih-Ching)、Chen KR、Chen HF、Lee MD、Chen CC、Huang HL、Ko MC、Li CY*, Trend in hospitalization for diabetic ketoacidosis in Taiwan’s diabetic patients: analysis of national claim data, 1997-2005, JOURNAL OF THE FORMOSAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, vol.109 no.10 pp.725-734, 2010
2003 蕭惠卿、洪淑蓉、邱鈴閔、郭碧淇、劉芷菁(Liu, Chih-Ching), 跌倒的防治與改善專案, 國立臺北護理學院護理(學)系學刊, vol.14 pp.1-13, 2003
Date of Publication Paper Title
2024.04 Yu-Ling Lo、劉芷菁(Liu, Chih-Ching), The association between Job Characteristics and Organizational Commitment of Care Managers in Taiwan , 2024 International Conference on Occupational Hygiene and Occupational Medicine, Apr. 2024, Taichung, Taiwan
2024.03 劉芷菁(Liu, Chih-Ching), Risk of Suicide in Association with Major Depressive Disorder Among Patients With Dementia: A Population, Based Nested Case-Control Study in Taiwan - The 14th Asian Conference on Psychology & the Behavioral Sciences, Mar. 2024, Tokyo, Japan
2023.09 劉芷菁(Liu, Chih-Ching)、王俊毅(Jiun-Yi Wang), 以翻轉教室教學法應用於公共衛生師課程之教學成效:合作學習傾向與專業自信的改變 , 2023公共衛生聯合年會, Sep. 2023, 台灣
2023.09 劉芷菁(Liu, Chih-Ching), A study on application of team, based learning to increase the self-efficacy of group learning and test scores for anatomy and physiology courses of students at college - 2023 Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital International Medicine Education Conference, Sep. 2023, 台灣
2023.07 劉芷菁(Liu, Chih-Ching), Relationships of Psychiatric Comorbidities with the Risk of Hospitalization for Motor Vehicle Crash Injury in Young, Onset Dementia: a Nationwide Population-Based Study in Taiwan - Alzheimer's Association International ConferenceR 2023, Jul. 2023, Amsterdam, Netherlands and online
2023.04 Yu-Ting Chi、劉芷菁(Liu, Chih-Ching), Urban, rural disparity in major depression disorder in patients with dementia - AAIC Neuroscience Next, Apr. 2023, virtual conference
2023.04 劉芷菁(Liu, Chih-Ching)、Yu-Hsuan Hu, The association between Some Work, Related Factors and Quality of Life of University Faculty in Taiwan - 2023 International Conference on Occupational Hygiene and Occupational Medicine, Apr. 2023, Taipei, Taiwan
2023.04 劉芷菁(Liu, Chih-Ching)、Yu-Hsuan Hu, Prevalence of Perceived Musculoskeletal Symptoms and their Association with the Job Characteristics among of University Faculty , 2023 International Conference on Occupational Hygiene and Occupational Medicine, Apr. 2023, Taipei, Taiwan
2023.03 劉芷菁(Liu, Chih-Ching), Outpatient Utilization in Patients With First Diagnosis of Dementia Co, Morbid With Depression: A Population-Based Cohort Study in Taiwan - The 9th Asian Conference on Aging & Gerontology (AGen2023), Mar. 2023, Tokyo, Japan
2022.07 劉芷菁(Liu, Chih-Ching), Dementia increases medical costs and length of hospital stay of motorcycle crash, related hospitalizations: a nationwide population-based cohort study in Taiwan - Alzheimer's Association International Conference, Jul. 2022, San Diego, USA
2022.07 劉芷菁(Liu, Chih-Ching), Dementia increases risk of organ failure and hospital mortality of motorcycle crash, related hospitalizations in Taiwan: a nationwide population-based study - Alzheimer's Association International Conference, Jul. 2022, San Diego, USA
2022.07 劉芷菁(Liu, Chih-Ching), Incidence rate ratios of motorcycle crash, related hospitalizations within 1 year of dementia diagnosis in younger adults: a nationwide population-based study in Taiwan - Alzheimer’s Association International Conference, Jul. 2022, San Diego, USA
2022.06 劉芷菁(Liu, Chih-Ching), Comparison of hospital readmission between patients with first diagnosis of dementia co, morbid with and without depression:a national cross-sectional study in Taiwan - Health Disparities Related to Alzheimer’s and All Dementias conference, Jun. 2022, Washington, D.C.
2022.06 劉芷菁(Liu, Chih-Ching), Association of dementia with the inpatient expenses and length of hospital stay in a pedestrian, related injury hospitalization: a nationwide population-based cohort study in Taiwan - Health Disparities Related to Alzheimer’s and All Dementias conference, Jun. 2022, Washington, D.C.
2022.06 劉芷菁(Liu, Chih-Ching), Genitourinary, cause emergency utilization by nursing home residents with dementia:a population-based cohort study in Taiwan - Health Disparities Related to Alzheimer’s and All Dementias conference, Jun. 2022, Washington, D.C.
2022.05 劉芷菁(Liu, Chih-Ching)、Kuo-Yi Ka, The Outcome of Flipped Classroom for Online Teaching Based Under COVID, 19 Epidemic for Health Statistics Courses of Students at College: the change of learning attitude - Post Pandemic Era: International Conference on Higher Education, Innovative Teaching and Demonstration 2022, May. 2022, virtual conference
2022.05 劉芷菁(Liu, Chih-Ching), 新冠肺炎疫情下大學生衛生統計學線上翻轉教室教學成效:合作學習傾向的改變 , 2022創新教育與教學實踐研究論壇, May. 2022, 台中市
2022.05 張鈞婷、劉芷菁(Liu, Chih-Ching)、林宜霆, 健保護理之家照護失智者因循環系統疾病至急診就醫之發生密度及其相關因子 , 2022玉山醫務暨健康管理學會學術研討會, May. 2022, 台灣
2022.05 洪雨萱、劉芷菁(Liu, Chih-Ching)、林宜霆, 健保護理之家照護失智者因呼吸系統疾病至急診就醫發生率及其相關因子 , 2022玉山醫務暨健康管理學會學術研討會, May. 2022, 台灣
2022.04 劉芷菁(Liu, Chih-Ching), Effects of urbanization status on the risk of mortality among Alzheimer Disease in Taiwan , 25th EAFONS Conference, Apr. 2022, virtual conference
2021.07 劉芷菁(Liu, Chih-Ching), Demographics and clinical risk factor(s) variations in mortality of Alzheimer's disease in Taiwan: A 15, year national population-based study - Alzheimer's Association International Conference (AAIC), Jul. 2021, USA/Denver
2021.05 劉芷菁(Liu, Chih-Ching), Effect of Parkinson’s disease rehabilitation on the incidence of dementia in Taiwan: A Population, Based, Propensity Score-Matched, Cohort Study. - AAIC Satellite Symposium, May. 2021, virtual conference
2021.03 劉芷菁(Liu, Chih-Ching)、王人杰、康惠雯、劉珵、劉珈?, 失智症友善社區評估:以台中市北區六合里為例 , 2021 高齡福祉科技研討會, Mar. 2021, 新北市
2020.12 劉芷菁(Liu, Chih-Ching)、Chien-Hui Liu、Yu Sun、Ming-Jang Chiu, Urban, Rural Differences in the Prevalence of Mild Cognitive Impairment in Taiwan – A Door-To-Door Nationwide Population-Based Study - APACPH 2020 virtual online conference, Dec. 2020, Colombo, Sri Lanka
2020.12 劉芷菁(Liu, Chih-Ching)、Chien-Hui Liu、Yu Sun、Ming-Jang Chiu, Urbanization and the Prevalence of Dementia in Taiwan – A Door, to-door Nationwide Study - APACPH 2020 virtual online conference, Dec. 2020, Colombo, Sri Lanka
2018.09 劉芷菁(Liu, Chih-Ching), Demographics And Urbanization Level Variations In Incidence And Prevalence Of Alzheimer's Disease In Taiwan: A National Population Based Study, 2004, 2010. - Aging and Society: Eighth Interdisciplinary Conference, Sep. 2018, Tokyo, Japan.
2016.06 劉芷菁(Liu, Chih-Ching), Variations in incidence and prevalence of Parkinson’s disease in Taiwan: A population, based nationwide study. - Working women in an ageing society 1th international WWAS conference, Jun. 2016, Fukuoka, Japan
2012.07 劉芷菁(Liu, Chih-Ching), Decreasing trend in incidence rates of hospitalization for diabetes, related lower-extremity amputation, 2000-2007: a national population-based study. - 17th TADE Annual Meeting, Jul. 2012, Taipei, Taiwan
2009.12 劉芷菁(Liu, Chih-Ching)、Li, Chung-Yi、Chen, Kai-Ren, Influence of physician’s specialty on the risk of diabetic ketoacidosis admission in diabetes. , 41th APACPH Conference, Dec. 2009, Taipei, Taiwan
2009.07 劉芷菁(Liu, Chih-Ching)、Li, Chung-Yi、Chen, Kai-Ren, Incidence Density of Diabetic Ketoacidosis among diabetic population in Taiwan, 1997, 2005 - 台灣健康照護聯合學術研討會, Jul. 2009, Taipei, Taiwan
2008.05 劉芷菁(Liu, Chih-Ching), 降低某病房跌倒發生率之專案 , 護理照護與專案管理學術發表會, May. 2008, Taipei, Taiwan
Project Title Participator Period
創新健康產業管理人才職涯發展計畫 (亞洲健管字第1120000649號) 劉芷菁(Liu, Chih-Ching)、王俊毅(Jiun-Yi Wang) 2023.01 ~ 2023.11
護理之家失智症者之再入院率研究 (ASIA-125-CMUH-19) 劉芷菁(Liu, Chih-Ching) 2022.11 ~ 2023.10
以團體導向學習法應用於解剖生理學課程提升大學生課堂參與度、合作學習傾向和學習成績之研究 (111-PMN1110162) 劉芷菁(Liu, Chih-Ching) 2022.08 ~ 2023.07
失智症病人之自殺企圖住院和自殺死亡發生風險及精神醫療利用對失智症病人自殺死亡之影響 (111-2410-H-468 -003 -MY2) 劉芷菁(Liu, Chih-Ching) 2022.08 ~ 2024.07
失智症和憂鬱症之相關性和其共病對醫療利用及自殺風險之影響 (110-2410-H-468 -015 -) 劉芷菁(Liu, Chih-Ching) 2021.08 ~ 2022.12
失智症與交通事故住院風險、住院嚴重度及醫療利用之相關 (110-2410-H-468 -001 -) 劉芷菁(Liu, Chih-Ching) 2021.01 ~ 2021.12
Award Name Awarding Unit
112學年創新教材與學習評量競賽(紙本類)傑出獎 本校
111學年度亞洲大學績優職涯導師 本校
國科會112年度補助大專校院研究獎勵 科技部
112年全國大專校院職涯輔導學生心得競賽佳作(指導學生獲獎) 教育部
111學年創新教學特優獎 本校
111學年創新教材(數位類)傑出獎 本校
2022玉山醫務暨健康管理學會學術研討會口頭發表佳作 玉山醫務暨健康管理學會
Award for excellent contribution in 1th international WWAS conference WWAS conference
台北市政府員工自行研究佳作 台北市政府
輔仁大學醫學院第五屆學術研究成果壁報展第一名 輔仁大學醫學院
台北市立聯合醫院95年度績優護理人員 台北市立聯合醫院
台北市立聯合醫院94年度績優護理人員 台北市立聯合醫院
Year Research Title Authors
110 大學教師工作特性、自覺肌肉骨骼症狀與生活品質關係之調查研究 洪雨萱
Year Project name Advising professor Department Student name
110 健保護理之家照護失智者急診醫療利用 劉芷菁 健康產業管理學系 林宜霆